All the three men closed their eyes and take a deep intake of breath. And when they open their eyes understanding laced with resoluteness can be seen in their depths. 

"Let's finally unravel the fallacy of the past."


It's been a week, and YU still couldn't move on from what happened in Sam's Uncle Richard's house. Being unwanted by his boyfriend's family is one thing, but them breaking down upon seeing him is another.

YU didn't know what he does wrong. Both Sam and his Uncle insisted that it wasn't the case, but he is not that dumb. He could sense when something is related to him. They don't like him and that makes YU sad. 

He wanted them to like him. YU knows he could very well try to change their mind. If he was still the Yusuke of a few months ago he would have confidently declared that he will win them over for he has a lot of time in his clock to do so. But now... he was afraid that his condition might only give nothing but empty promises. 

YU winced as his head pulse with intense pain. He went out of the bed despite feeling like the whole room is rotating and kneel down to crawl underneath. He was also keeping all his meds under the secret compartment so Sam wouldn't see it in accident. Once he had taken what he needs he crawl backward and sat on the floor before popping the pills in his mouth. He then reaches up to get the tumbler on the nightstand to make swallowing easier.

He rested his head on the bed while he tries to calm the pain. It will pass YU... just a few more minutes...

"YU are you okay?" Sam's voice echoes in the room as the man rush beside him. YU was startled but fix a ready-made smile. He was just hoping he doesn't look too pale like he usually does when he was having his attacks. "You're here? I thought you will stay another night to look at your parents?" YU asked as he tries to distract Sam away from what he saw.

But his boyfriend would not take bullshit. "Don't change the topic. Why are you on the floor looking deep in pain? Do I have to accompany you for a check-up?"

YU shakes his head. "I rose up from the bed so suddenly that's why I ended up feeling dizzy. That's why I'm resting my head here. It's a normal case of reflex, Sam. You worry too much."

Sam's frown remains, so YU reaches up and massages the space between his eyebrows, erasing the frown. "You look better when you are not frowning. Can you smile for me?" He asked. He loved his man's smile. It always lights up his world.

He wonders how could something he etched in his heart could be forgotten by the brain. Sam's entire face was already sculpted in each muscle of his heart... but he was still afraid for sometimes when he closed his eyes... some of his features were slowly disappearing one after another.

He will always bring out his phone to look at his picture to refresh his memory. Whenever instances like that were coming his agitation and fear heighten. But he has no choice. It is what it is. All he has to do is to keep on reminding himself over and over until what was deleted will be written back.

Sam smiles and pulls him in a tight embrace. "If you so demanded, my handsome prince. I'll smile aplenty." YU leans on his chest and smells his familiar scent he loves so much. This embrace is home and as long as its warmth exists in this world... Yusuke will always feel contentment.

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