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          One bout of PTSD later and Angélique found herself curled-up on the wooden porch swing that lay tucked-away in the corner while Glenn poured-over a guidebook that he'd picked up since arriving in Virginia to her left, one arm draped over the former's shoulders. Angélique snuggled a bit deeper into Glenn's shoulder and Glenn responded by shifting to make for easier acces -- anddd she is out-cold. A lone woodpecker landed on one of the nearby red maples, Glenn's almond-shaped eyes narrowing slightly as if to issue a warning to the woodpecker, a warning against waking Angélique. It was a tense standoff, with the woodpecker ultimately flying away and Glenn letting out a sigh of genuine relief. Angélique hadn't stirred. Good, good. 


          ... SHIT! And all Glenn could do is watch as Angélique sleepily crawled-onto his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, and buried her face into the crook of his neck before muttering something along the line of, "Lucille'll have a word with you!" in response to the voice. Lucille? A mass of red curls popped into view: Abe. Rosita, ever-present at his side, Abe waved from the street, what looked to be a lit Malboro protruding from his bottom lip. Glenn returned the gesture as best as he could with his free hand without waking an out-cold Angélique, his other having long since wrapped-around her sleeping form in a protective manner as she clung to him in her sleep.

         The interaction reminded Glenn of his life before the apocalypse reared its ugly head and snatched it away from him on that one, fateful night. A wave between neighbors was relatively-common in his neighborhood -- even the neighbors that preferred to keep to themselves 24/7 took a moment to wave back! -- back then. But, the sight of a wave would be replaced with the sight of a different weapon staring you down, your surviving neighbor ready, ready and willing to take you out if said neighbor deemed you a threat to any extent(e.g. Glenn had gone out one day to take a look around... only for an elderly neighbor that lived two houses down to almost gun him down on the spot!)! A week would pass before Glenn abandoned the confines of his home and set-off in search of other survivors, with the first of the survivors to cross Glenn's path being a man referred to as "T-Dog" aka. "T" aka. Theodore Douglas. T-Dog had been passing-through the city in search of survivors when he came across Glenn taking refuge on a nearby fire escape as a trio of Walkers stumbled about in the alley below, the two survivors going on to travel together from that point forward. And T-Dog would meet his untimely end about 1-year, later, during an attempt to leader a fellow survivor to safety after another fellow survivor lured a herd of Walkers into the West Georgia Correctional Facility, their current base of operations, in an attempt to kill Glenn, T-Dog, and the entirety of the group they were traveling with, the Survivors.

         It wasn't until Glenn stumbled upon on two Walkers chowing down on T-Dog's body that he realized just why T-Dog had been nowhere to be found; there wasn't enough of T-Dog's body left to warrant reanimation, so Glenn left it be until he could find time for a proper burial. A tear slid down his cheek... and another... and another... and, before Glenn knew it, he was silently weeping while Angélique remained fast asleep in his arms. Glenn instinctively hugged Angélique a bit tighter. I, And the tears continued to flow. don't know what I'd do if I'd lost you. Glenn shuddered at the thought. Angélique came to and looked up at Glenn, remnants of sleep still-present in her eyes.

         "Glenn. Glenn Rhee." Angélique yawned into her palm, her eyes locked on Glenn. "Are you O -- and don't you dare bullshit me!"

          Glenn sighed, "I was thinking about an old friend."

          "T-Dog? Is it T-Dog?"

          "It is T-Dog."

          Angélique just... listened, listened as Glenn reminisced. It started with T-Dog and Glenn meeting in Atlanta during the beginning stage of the apocalypse -- T-Dog took to scouring Atlanta for elderly survivors to transport to his then-place of employment, a local church called the Holy Cross Lutheran Church, when he encountered Glenn. --, how the duo would go on to become close friends, to become family. It ended with T-Dog sacrificing himself in order to save the life of a fellow survivor after another fellow survivor had lured a herd of Walkers into their current base of operations out of spite against the Survivors -- the plan was to use said herd to wipe out said group before wiping out said herd and retaking the base, but it didn't go as planned. --, how Glenn found the little that was left of T-Dog's corpse set upon by two Walkers while he was dispatching Walkers alongside fellow survivors Rick, Daryl, Axel, and Oscar; Axel and Oscar later helped Glenn bury T-Dog. I can't believe it. Glenn blinked away a tear. I can't believe it's been 9-months since I lost you, man. But, it always feels as if it happened for the first time, as if Glenn laid eyes on T-Dog's corpse for the first time. And Glenn came to the conclusion that it would always be like this. 

          Angélique knew this feeling all too well, with her mother, Lucille, opting to sacrifice herself via. suicide in an attempt to "spare" Angélique and Negan the added stress of having to continue to struggle to manage Lucille's pancreatic cancer without the proper channels all the while they struggled to adapt to the post-apocalyptic hellscape crafted by the Wildfire Virus. Angélique came home after one of her weekly runs to find a now-reanimated Lucille perched on the bed that she and Negan shared with a plastic bag wrapped around her head and an assortment of empty pill bottles scattered about the nightstand to the right of the bed! The sound of the bag in Angélique's hands falling to the floor caught Lucille's attention and she reached out to grab Angélique, but Negan got to their daughter, first, stepping between the two women before forcing himself to put Lucille down while Angélique watched in absolute horror from over his left shoulder! Negan blames himself for Lucille's untimely demise to this day, as Lucille begged him not to go on the run, the run that would last 6-weeks, and to stay back at the house with her and their daughter, instead, during Lucille's final months, but Negan refused and that was the last time that he saw Lucille alive.

*          *        

            Aaron and Eric hadn't expected to find Angélique and Glenn taking a nap on Glenn's porch swing, taking it as a sign that the young woman in question might finally be opening up after months of near-isolation. A smile graced Aaron's lips and he slung his right arm around Eric's shoulders and gave him a squeeze. Eric returned the gesture, but with his left. And that's when the two men in question began to mentally prepare themselves for when Pete lost his shit at the realization that Angélique has the audacity to befriend one of the Survivors. 

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