Skyrim and Brother

25 2 15

Context my brother hates spiders with a passion and because I don't wanna study for math I'm watching him play Skyrim

Me watching my brother play skyrim: Kill it! Its a giant rat!

Brother: Its just a skever

Me: Its a giant rat!!

* Brother goes into place with giant spiderwebs *

Me laughs: You gonna get attacked by giant spiders

5 minutes later

Brother being attacked by giant spider: I blame you for this!

Brother: * dies * I don't wanna fight the spider again! I don't wanna fight the spider again!

Me: *laughs cos I'm mean*

Brother: *Doesn't have to fight the spider again* Oh, Yay!

Me: Aww

(Hehe I'm mean)

Brother fighting skeleton: Grape juice

Me: Why'd you say grape juice?!

Brother: Don't you always say random stuff when something bad happens?

5 minhtes later

Brother: Its cos I don't like swearing.

Me: What?

Brother: Answer to your question

Me: Oh, your replies are so random.

Brother: Who lights these candles

Me: Ghosts

Brother: This would make a good horror game.

*Brother arrives at cliff of sorts*

Me: Jump

Brother: No

(My brother is very entertaining)

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