It makes her stop immediately, feeling the wall lightly. Strong pushes seem to make it weaker but it returns to normal after, Thidialis must be focusing most of her prottection spell on the wall that keeps Thranduil, Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli locked. Their wall is hard, unmovable and impenetrable, but apparentely not hers. It might give her a second chance, if she breaks through she can break the staff completely, and if she locks her again she will come out a second time, otherwise she will risk losing the strength on their barrier.

Elarinya stands up and tries to push the wall with both hands. A weak falter, nothing that lets her pass through. She tries pushing it with her shoulder, her side, her back, her legs, and the weakness is more considerable but not enough. Her friends have their eyes on her as she looks around and tries to conjure a plan. She looks down, her bond crosses both barriers. She twists her wrist and is able to hold it, it's a physical strand that everyone can grab, not just Thidialis. Certainly, Elarinya is not strong enough, but on the other side of that strand are two elves, a dwarf and a Dunedaín. If they all pull it together...

They cannot hear her and she cannot hear them. The elleth can, so the plan must evolve quietly. Elarinya focus on Aragorn who is looking at her and gestures to him. She points to all of them, grabs the strand with her left hand and pretends a pulling motion. Then she places her finger over her mouth, asking for silence during this.

Thidialis is deeply focused on the gem so she doesn't notice as the three position themselves in front of Legolas, gently holding the strand with no ill intention, to avoid causing Elarinya any pain. The woman takes a deep breath and braces herself. They pull.

There is so much force, her body quickly passes the barrier, only causing some discomfort. She takes the impulse to run, grab the staff and smash it against a pillar, the dark wood breaking with a blast, a wave of energy sending Elarinya and Thidialis to the ground. It worked.

"You fool!" Thidialis screams as she feels the magic diminish. Their barrier still stands tall and strong but she has no power to cast another one over Elarinya.

Elarinya is already standing, taking her bow and arrows and shooting. She must keep the distance and not let the elleth reach her, as she is much stronger and a single blow can kill her. Even though Thidialis has no power to build another wall, she has some to deflect the arrows.

With this, Thidialis takes a long sword from the side and prepares to attack. Elarinya takes a sword borrowed from the elves and prepares to fight one on one. The mithril will help her, just like before all she has to do is avoid her head, neck, hands and legs. And the bond, she must keep the bond away from her. Elves can still be fatally wounded, and even if Thidialis has millenia of experience, she is flustered and upset, and Elarinya will give her best.

It's an incredible fight that keeps her friends' hearts racing. They are cheering and trying to help her, though she can't listen. Elarinya mostly defends than attacks, trying to buy her friends some time, trying to weaken Thidialis and consequently letting her magic weaken too, allow them to escape. She allows some of the strikes to hit her armor and mithril vest, and with Thidialis shock as they all deflect, she counterattacks, makes the elleth bleed. Elarinya also bleeds, a cut over her left eyebrow makes the blood run down the side of her cheek, her down lip is burst and bleeding, a thin cut rips her pants over her knees.

It's starting to work as the barrier seems to bulge. Thranduil throws himself against it but it is not enough yet, perhaps some more time and it will work. Thidialdis realizes this and decides she had enough of it. Enraged and with a desperate strength, she disarms Elarinya and inflicts a strong blow that sends her to the ground and throws all her weapons down.

Thidialdis is on Elarinya in a second, grabs her by the neck with both hands and lifts her off the ground, strangling her. Elarinya's eyes are wide and she can't breathe, her legs shake and her hands try to loose and scratch Thidialdis' hands and arms, but to no avail. After a few seconds, Elarinya's eyes roll back and her body sags. The elleth throws her to the ground, cursing her in Sindarin.

"No... No, Ela, get up." Legolas whispers, his eyes wide as his love seems lifeless. Their bond still shines though it seems weaker.

Thidialdis wipes the blood from a cut on her cheek "I will finish this now," she picks the long sword and waves her hand, handcuffs arrest the males in place behind the wall. They can't be broken, they don't allow them to move, no matter how much force they use. She walks to kill them, her blade pointed to Legolas.

Legolas doesn't mind the evil elleth. His eyes remain on Elarinya who still doesn't move on the ground. Her chest doesn't seem to rise and fall. "No... No..." his whisper gradually grows into a guttural yell, deep, profound, strong and desperate. He screams, not for his life, but because she might be losing hers. His friends and father yell his name, but Legolas barely realizes this. He has to close his eyes as his pain and yells continue, he cannot watch this, he cannot save her.

The screams send a vibration through the bond. It all happens in mere seconds. Elarinya awakes feeling the deep despair on her heart, the one her loved one feels, and inhales sharply. The elleth is walking towards Legolas, she will kill him. The same rage on Legolas' heart fills Elarinya, she stands on her knees, picks her bow and one of the Mirkwood arrows scattered on the ground.

Thidialdis stops as an arrow trespasess her abdomen and another pierces her right hand, having to drop the sword. Legolas hears this and his scream fases, his eyes open. In a second, Elarinya is on the elleth's back, twirls her own right hand over Thidialis' head and strangles the elleth with the bond, that closes tightly around her neck. Elarinya's enraged scream matches Legolas' as the elleth uselessly gasps for air. Using her free left hand, the woman reaches for the dagger on her belt and slices her throat.


I hope you're enjoying this ride, we are down to the last five chapters! Don't forget to vote and comment your favorite parts!

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