"For Fun"

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Author: It's been days and weeks and months since I wrote so I apologize for leaving this a long time ago. I'm deeply sorry for the stories being so short and leaving you all waiting.

"Good Morning my dear Students we will see your performances in a play!" Chisa announced to the students. "May I ask what will perform?" Sonia asked concerned. "We? Oh goodness if you meant the whole class you are mistaken! It's a duo performance for fun, nothing to formal. Only for fun! Of course by saying that you lot don't have to participate if you don't want to!" Chisa told with a smile.

Everyone sighed in relief knowing they didn't want to nor needed to but Sonia that was confused on why the class had sighed. Chisa looked around then she realized they thought they didn't need to. "You lot don't have to participate if you don't want to fail this assignment!" She said with a scary smile.

"What did Monokuma do to you Ms. Chisa!" Souda said scared.

"Ah" Chisa said looking at the time. "It's nearly the end of half the period! We should get going and start rehearsing any movie chop chop of your seats and go either to the library or somewhere. Just not hear! Carry on!"

Mahiru raised her hand "Do you have a suggestion for a plac-"

"Hurry up! Chop chop! Go on! Anywhere you all go" She said pushing them out one by one. "They grow up so fast" She told herself with a tear of joy.

"OI HAJIME IM HERE WAIT FOR MEEEE!!!" Chiaki said running after Hajime. "Chiaki-"
"Hajime have you confessed yet?"
"Why did you interrupt me?"
"Hajime this chapter is filled with interruptions. Now answer my question"

"About to" He sighed. "Hello! How are you two doing?" Sonia said passing by. "OI YOU BETTER BE PLANNING YOUR ASSIGNMENTS AT LEAST CHOP CHOP!" Chisa yelled.

"If I had 100 mora each time someone interrupted in this chapter consider me a billionaire." Chiaki said to herself.

Time passed and Hajime saw Nagito at the of the school. "Hajime you can do it, If at first you don't succeed try tomorrow!" Chiaki said with an encouraging all might like face. "The point is you can do it!" Sonia said coming out of no where. "HOW THE-" Hajime screamed.

"You did a bad job on being quiet Hajime now Nagito will know that he's in love with a noisy dude" Chiaki said disappointedly. "Hinata, Nanami, Sonia? What are you doing here?"

"Hajime you've done it again"


"Whatever you say, Nanami is right. Not my fault your scared of me scaring you."

"Oh it's my fault now?"

"Hmm? What did Ibuki hear? Whatever Ibuki heard scared Mikan."

"Hajime did it."

"Why are you pointing at me! Your the one who scared me!"

"At least I wasn't loud and didn't scare Mikan, Pfft."

"Nanami should we walk home together without these guys? It's to chaotic here."

"Sure Komaeda."

"This *is* supposed to be a chatfic, why aren't we using the group chat?" Chiaki murmured to herself.

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