𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒑 𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒐𝒔 #𝟏

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A/N So I don't really feel like doing the next episode right now but I did find a bunch of Slap videos of Beck and Jade on YouTube an dam going to be putting the Emily x Beck versions in here. Hope you enjoy! This will be like a mini series I will update now and then. 

TheBrunetteLilyEvans xx


Emily With Tots #1

"Hey! I would tell you my name but you're already on my Slap so you should know it by now,  but if you're one of those weirdos who just go on random people's slaps and watch their videos, I am called Emily and I respect you for owning your weirdness

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"Hey! I would tell you my name but you're already on my Slap so you should know it by now,  but if you're one of those weirdos who just go on random people's slaps and watch their videos, I am called Emily and I respect you for owning your weirdness. So I need to make a video and there's a preschool like literally next door to my school, Hollywood Arts, so I'm gonna go grab some random kids and interview them and you know, try to creep em out and get in their heads a little bit. I'm gonna call this Emily With Tots," I say to the screen , sat in a chair, bored out of my mind. I bend down, picking up a piece of purple card with 'Emily With Tots' written on in a black marker that was running out. "See? The sign says it, okay I'm gonna go kidnap a child for ten minutes." I tell them before I turn off the camera and shout to a kid who was crossing the road with his teacher to come over. The teacher isn't that worried, I went to that pre-school with Trina and Tori and they know I'm the most normal out of the three of us so it's fine for me to take kids from them, however wrong that seems. I sit that kid down in a chair across from me, turning the camera back on again once I had moved it to where I now was sitting. "So! I'm here with... what's your name again kid?" I ask him, realizing that I'd taken him without even finding out his name. 

"My name is Quinn." He says bluntly, with pretty good speech for a pre-schooler his age, whatever age that may be. 

"I'm here with Quinn! What a great name! What kind of pre-schooler speaks as well as this? It's weird. So... Quinn, what do you wanna be when you grow up?" I shift myself on the armchair, trying to make myself more comfortable.

"I wanna be a diver and go underwater and see sea creatures!" He exclaims to me. Sorry, but what pre-schooler puts thought into why they want to be what they want to be, unless you wanna be a cop 'cos you kinda have to have a reason to risk being shot, but most pre-schoolers are just like 'Oh! I wanna be a real-life Barbie!' The weird thing is, I could barely understand him so I'm just kinda wondering where the good speech went. 

"Okay, I take back what I said about the talking cos I could barely understand that. Actually never mind, I could not understand that, I have no clue what the hell you just said. How much money do you have?" I voice my opinion, being as ruthless as normal as I change the topic.

"I have four!" He states proudly as I just look at him, waiting for the elaboration of 'four'.

"Four what?" I initiate, seeing that he's not going to be giving me a good answer any time soon if I don't. 

"Four!" He repeats, seemingly exasperated as I sigh and put my hand on my forehead. 

"Four dollars?" I guess, hoping he's not proud of having four cense. 

"Yeah." He says, rolling his eyes as if I should have known. What is with this kid? He's almost as sassy as Jade or I.

"Yeah, that's not very much! Can't really buy anything with that other than a load of candy which will rot your teeth out and give you type 2 diabetes and then you might die, so I think you need a bit more money. But if you do a good job in this interview, I'll give you ten bucks! Might be able to buy a Thomas the Train toy with that?" I say, cringing. Kids like Thomas the Train, right?

"You're weird! But I don't like Thomas the Train, can I still have the money?" Clearly not this kid. He's rude! I'm not weird, I'm mean. There's a difference. 

"You can buy whatever you want, what do you want?" I tell him, more interested in this kid now he's showing some personality. Little kids are usually just like, boring or something, so it's a change. 

"I want a game!" This is confusing, but he seemed pretty annoyed when I mentioned Thomas the Train before so I decide to rile him up a bit. 

"What kind of a game? Like a Thomas the Train game 'cos that wouldn't make sense, I mean, you just said you don't like Thomas The Train." I remind him, that annoyed expression coming back onto his face. 

"Why are you so obsessed with Thomas The Train? I want a Batman-" Yeah, I don't like the attitude anymore, it's getting old now. 

"Kids like Thomas The Train, okay?" I defend, rolling my eyes. "You know what I want? What I really, really, really, really want? Should I tell you what I want?" I ask him, making him nod vigorously. I lean forward, making him more interested. " I wanna  be a professional actress, sounds fun doesn't it?" He nods again. "Yeah, it's not! You know why it's not? Because about 1 in 90,000 people actually make it as a professional actress. So that makes my dreams worth as much as, well I don't know, a big fat pile of trash." I tell him. Beck's probably gonna be annoyed at me that I've been mean to a little kid and spoken to him like this, but Beck isn't here, is he now? So he can be mad later or he can kiss me and cuddle me and we can watch a movie together because even if he's mad and gives me a lecture, it won't change anything that I've already done, will it?

"I want my mom." Quinn tells me. I roll my eyes, how is that even relevant to the conversation here? I cut the camera, shooing him away, before repeating my process and getting another kid and turning the camera back on.

"Now, I'm with some new kid. She's a girl this time. You ready?" I explain to the camera before turning to the girl, who shrugs and mutters something I can't hear. I feel bad for her, she's kinda cute. "Gotta speak up sweetheart." I say sweetly, making her nod. "Why do you feel that I only have one decent friend and my boyfriend that I can count on, and nobody else?" I ask. I don't really care about the answer, I just ask. 

"Because... maybe some people... don't like you?" She guesses quietly, shrugging again. Well, that's mean. I set my cards down on the chair, shifting again to look at her properly.

"Now, let's talk about this for a minute. Why wouldn't people like me?" I ask her, as she shrugs, again. What's with all this shrugging? She's worse than Quinn!

"You're kinda... scary?" She tells me more like a question. 

"Aww, thank you! " I thank her, placing a hand on my heart. "Well, thanks for joining! Not really, it doesn't affect me if you're watching this or not, but see ya!" I finish, shooing her away like I did with the previous child. 

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