the drug in me is you.

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waking up i was disrespectfully greeted by a bright light that belonged to the sun.
"my men will get you situated go take a shower they will show you the way to the kitchen when you have finished."
i look at blade like some predator and head to the shower which was in the room? i slowly get undressed and decide to just sit on the bench and curl up in a ball i have no motivation to even move yet alone take a shower i think about all my friends and the group how are they feeling? is anybody looking for me? why does it have to be me? why am i so weak?

i've decided i shouldn't mope around

i finish my shower and luckily i found a peace of paper and pen i wrote down lyrics but i wrote a code in them that only my members would recognize.

we all came up with a way of writing lyrics only we could read it would look like gibberish to other people but for us it would look normal i wrote the lyrics in that language

"his name is blade and he has kept me hostage in his cabin it's in the middle of nowhere please don't give up looking for me."

i knew the girls would be able to spot it out i just needed to find a way to hide it so i took another piece of paper semi glued it onto that one and wrote normal lyrics on it i figured if i told him i wanted to submit this lyric sheet he would let me i just needed to pick the perfect timing.

after finishing getting ready i try opening the door but before i do the door was slammed open by blade, he has the same resting bitch face and looks at me dead in the eye,
if looks could kill...

"may i help you?" i ask

"are you done wasting my time and getting ready? we need to leave now."

my mood did a full 180 and now i'm back to being highly upset and annoyed.

i suck my teeth at him and shove past him which only led to him grabbing my arm and looking down at me with eyes that look like im some prey he wants to hunt which honestly scared me.

"behave cause trust me im not in the mood for anybody today so while i'm asking you nicely please do as i say."

like his words they go in one ear and out the other; hopefully if i push his buttons enough he's just kill me or set me free, although the first option sounds a little... okay no nevermind

i suck my teeth at him again and yank my arm from him

"just cause your name is blade and you have a bunch of tattoos doesn't mean anybodies afraid of you so please watch who you're talking too." i saw and walk past him

i notice he balled his hand in a fist and was restraining himself from doing something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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