May trouble awaits!

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Since the girls fight, all of them have gone separate ways. Dawn was in the room with Bonnie. Leaf was rushing to the shop where she bought the crystal for clearing her queries. Misty was in the school, deep in thoughts. While May was wandering aimlessly on the streets to the north-west side.

The sun had already set. Cold wind slapped May's face as shiver went down her spine. She pondered on what Dawn said. Since they arrived, their real mission was to find out about the mystery and help the cerulean city people. Since they arrived, there hasn't been any case of kidnapping or murder. Or maybe May didn't know. Afterall, all she and Misty were really focused was the recording. The real purpose they were here for slipped their mind.

Not only that, but something was also clearly bothering Leaf. May and Misty were too blind to focus on that. And now there is this crystal mystery too. Which doesn't make sense.

May didn't notice that she had entered a forest. The moon was casting terrifying shadows of the dry trees around. But May didn't notice. She sneezed when a leaf fell on her nose. But, not paying attention to anything, she went ahead, unknowingly catching attention of few boys from the west side of the forest. Including a green hair and purple haired boy from the north side of the forest.

There was a cliff ahead for about few kilometres. But May didn't know. A strong wind blew. But May just used her hands to warm her up, not paying attention to the wind.

May decided to focus on the mystery now. And as for now, there were plenty besides the murders. Even in their own school. About the boys, the crystal, the library, and Leaf's strange behaviour.

She halted. May had nearly forgot about the washroom incident.

They couldn't be sucking Elissa and Tia's blood, could they? And who were they? She started walking with her head down, deep in thoughts.

Something was off. Elissa and Tia where no where to be seen when the girls were in mid of their conversation in canteen. As far as May remembers, they were with some boys.

Maybe they are in a relationship? And May mistook it as if the boys were sucking their friend's blood? Yeah, that's a big possibility. She could ask them about it later. So maybe, the girls disappeared when they received a text from their boyfriends. It was that simple. No need to overthink on that.

And as for since when Leaf started behaving strange, it was maybe from the moment they met the boys. So perhaps, Leaf might know them from before? If that was the case, then why did Leaf not tell them? She seemed to be in her own world since then.

Own world since then.....

May's eyes widen as she had a surprised look on her face.

Maybe Leaf had a crush on one of the boys!?

Her face fell on the idea. Leaf and daydreaming about boys? Opposites which never attract in this case. So, it had to be something else. But May still considered the abstract idea as a possibility. Only because They could get a chance to tease her. Which, if it doesn't involve science or tech, doesn't happen.

Little did she know, May was heading directly towards the cliff. Something jumps between the trees, leaping from one branch to another hastily. It was heading towards May. It leapt in Air, a figure of someone, exposed to moonlight, grew sudden hair, fangs, and claws. It's mouth watered as it size grew. Ready to tear May into pieces, it raised it's hand as it charges towards her. But vanished within a second with one more shadow. May turned around as she heard the rustle of leaves. But found no one.

"That's weird. I am sure I heard something." She murmured, before turning back to the direction she was heading. Her eyes widen as she gasped in realization.

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