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Leaf was getting irritated, Every now and then one of those boys looked at their group. The boys had already left, but the other two girls were staring dreamingly at the other boys. Everything was silent on their table. May who can't stand silence, tried to start a conversation. The girls knew Elissa and Tia were not going to be part of it.

(Black- May, Plane- Dawn, line- Leaf, Italian- Misty)

"Well aren't you guys- Girls are getting irritated by those boys?

"Talk about me, I would kick that spiky to the roof top for staring at us."

Suddenly the famous boys started laughing except Gary who was glaring at Leaf and Paul who looked... like Paul.

"Don't you find it weird that first we're whispering and the second they are glaring at us?"

"Those boys are most irritating massive and moldy ones."

Suddenly, Ash who was drinking juice spilled it. The Boys in front duck just in time and the juice was spilled on Misty.

"How-what-when-why Oh my gosh!!" All the girls except Misty and the dreamers immediately went to dump their food. It was shocking when Misty politely grab a napkin beside her and wiped her face. Getting up politely with full of manners she walked towards Ash who was coughing continuously. Other girls went out of the room, peeping in, Trying to see what Misty would do. Elissa and Tia were nowhere to be seen.

Misty punched Ash on his back so that he could stop coughing. Taking the red looking juice she spilled it on him.

"Now we're equal." And with that she went out. Leaf narrowed her eyes to take a proper look on the liquid from far away. That it... what I think it is? I'll return when everyone is gone and before the sweepers arrive to clean the floor where it was spilled too. Leaf thought.

"Leaf out of your thoughts, Let's go to the pool since we have some time left. "May said pumping her fist.

"FYI we have to go to Maths class bye!" She said hurriedly and went away.

"Hey wait for Me!" Dawn yelled as she followed Leaf.

Misty, May shrugged and went to their English class. So crystal is our English teacher, not homeroom teacher. They thought.

The girls were tired, They returned from dance. Silently walking near the corridor.

"Let's Go to the washroom to clean out face." May said as she went. Their eyes widen at the scene in front of them. Tia and Elissa were there and some boys were sucking their blood. May and Misty quickly went away. After seeing that, who didn't felt terrified, confused, and wanted to puke?

"I would never ever go to the washroom in this school ever again" Misty said quickening her pace and now from jogging started running.

"Misty!!" May called as she started running as well. While running someone grab May's hand and pulled her to a corner. May recognized Brendan from her class.

"Um hi Brendan! I do remember I said that anyone can come and talk to me anytime but it's not the right time." May said quickly looking in the direction Misty went.

"Oh No, I haven't come to talk to you May," Brendan said. May looked at him still confused as he let go of her hand and smiled at her.

"Let her Go," a sharp stern voice said. May looked back and was shocked to see one of the famous boys. He had green hair with emeralds eyes with fair skin. The flirty, confident look that always used to be on his face was replaced by anger, Hatred which May didn't understand. The one and only Drew. May didn't like the looks of him. It made her have goosebumps.

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