To the girls

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"20 years, yes friends 20 years! This whole case happened 20 years ago and yet scientist, police and the people of cerulean city haven't figure it out. Police said that it's a gang of thieves, scientist says that it's a new discovery, Cerulean people said that it's a ghos-" The TV went off.

"Girls get ready for Horror High!" Misty said as the other girls nodded. They looked like nothing was special in it, but inside they were bubbling with excitement.

Dawn, May, Misty and Leaf are all interested in mysterious things, Ghosts, Were wolf and all that stuff. These girls have solved many mysterious like is there any pirate Hook in real world ( they found him but they had to kill him...well that's another story), sending those thieves who act as there are ghost and  to shoo others away when they kidnap people and sell them off, to the jail. Rescue the other kids who got kidnapped and all that stuff. Their main mission for attending horror high was to find the answers of two questions. 'Why Pokemon became extinct?' And ' who is behind the murder of many people in cerulean city?'. And to find their answer they had to go to Cerulean City.

Apart from that, by joining Horror High, they would get to know how to defeat ghost ,Vampire, Werewolf and what all mistakes they made the previous time so they weren't able to rule the world And how to stop them. And all of that is taught at horror high.

All of them had heard cases of ghosts as well as murders but they want to solve the cases all by themselves which might sound selfish to you but, for the girls, it's a taste of daring adventure that lies ahead.

Out of all of them Misty, worries most of the times about girls while they simply shrug at her attitude. Always they reply to her to calm her down like "Take a chill-pill" "She would be fine" "Let her be Misty" but she ignores all of their comments. She secretly saved the girls many times but for girls... they only knew few times. People think that misty is Shot tempered which is not true. She is just hot tempered which is quite rare that she loses her temper. Though yes, she has motherly nature and tends to get annoyed easily and yell at others.

May is the bravest amongst all when it comes to haunted stuff. She is ever ready for saving people in fire cases. May is very secretive about many things, but not for her feelings. She is a good dancer like all other girls. Though May can be dense sometimes.

Dawn here, is expert of riddles and is a Shopping lover. Though the clothes are chosen by May, what to wear in special occasions, She is still the one who drag her friends to shopping. Dawn can comfort anyone easily. The only thing that's not good for Dawn is that she is too much into fashion to live like a human or shall we say 15 year old girl. But thanks to Misty and her threats, she still have time for fun. Dawn always listen to her feelings.

Leaf, the techno girl, any computer to hack she got it! She is calm, always mannerful, But DO NOT try to act smart in front of her as she can show you your place. She is actually the cooker in her friend circle. She also has her own lab equipment


"Girls now shall we leave?" Grace asked impatiently since they asked her to drive them to cerulean city. They would have asked Grace "Grace will you give us a lift" But she would really lift them in the sky.

The car started soon, " I'm warning you, the school you're going is the most craziest school i've heard of" Grace warned. The girls rolled their eyes at her warning and took it lightly. But what they didn't knew was that the moment they will step in the school, their lives will be changed forever.





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