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As she sets her feet in the water it burns immediately like the candle to her right, the music behind her fades and she notes her somehow too heavy a chest and how good the scalding hot water felt, a burn, proof that she's real. Feeling more alone than she was, her thoughts are racing, flashing to all the lost friends as she's sitting in the water.
              “Hey you keep saying you wanna talk, when can we do that?” she quietly ask the redhead she used to call her best friend 
“No” she responds coldly yet, she can't seem to not notice the sadness under laying her voice
        “If not now, when? you keep pushing me away, this isn't going anywhere!”  she says, ask? she doesn't even know anymore. She's just desperate to keep her favorite friendship.
             “ ugg can you just Fucking stop I don't want to be friend anymore”
       “ oh…. Ok ….. Bye” she whispered she knew it was coming, she expected it, but gods it hurt.
          The heat of the water that's  causing /t/he/i/r skin to steam is what pulls /t/her/m/ out of her thoughts. Getting in the tub the res
Reminder bathing in water that is to hot or cold is s/h if you are doing this I'm here to talk to please stay safe

K~ out.
Word count 198

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