This torture lasts well over 30 minutes and I feel to weak to move. He keeps hitting my legs. Up and down, up and down, until he accidentally hits my lower back and I scream out in pain. So of course he does it again and again moving further up, getting harder as he goes. Until I feel him swing harshly at the top of my shoulder blades and then it goes black.

I wake to the sound of buzzing, its probably just my alarm. I check the time on my clock, its eight. 'Crap!' I say flustered. I go to get out of bed and it is then that I feel the unbelievable pain in my back and legs. I walk over to my mirror not really wanting to look but knowing that it was inevitable.

I gasp leaves my mouth. It is then that I feel the pounding in my head and the constant ache I can feel all over my body. I am covered with disgusting purple and black bruises. The back of my legs and what I can see of my back and sort red raw, yet overly dominated by large bat shaped bruises. I know I have had worse, but right now all I can think about is the pain cascading through my body and the immense pain I fell. I notice through the mirror that's it is 8:15 and I quickly pull on some loose jeans, my black converse, a long sleeved shirt and an over sized jumper. I grabbed my phone and bag and race down the stairs.

At the bottom I notice John and he gives he a smirk knowing how much pain I am in and how much it hurts to walk. I receive the slap aimed at me and walk out the door, eyes on my rubbish filled street pavement. I rush to school making it there just in time. The bell goes and I grab the things I need and start the long day.

I sigh only 2 more minutes until school ends and then it's the weekend. Usually I take my brother out and we go to different parks all across the city. I don't know if I am even going to be able to get out of the chair let alone get home. Surprisingly I didn't get beaten up today, well, not so far. I allow abstract thoughts to distract me and and pulled away when the bell rings and every one leaves.

I haven't seen Dan, maybe he is avoiding me, maybe he's not here, I have no idea. I am still extremely confused and I have no idea what I am going to do. Last night I didn't really have time to think about it for obvious reasons. Tonight I'll deal with it. That is if I can even make it home. I walk over to my locker getting out my bag and putting my books back in. I look around, no ones giving me any funny looks, hmp that's weird, aren't I meant to be the freak show? I pull down my jacket sleeves self-consciously and walk down the corridor.

I get outside and see Dan's group of thugs and try to hide myself under my hair and pull up my hoodie. Too late they start to make their way over to me and it is then that I notice a rather solemn looking Dan trailing along. He notices me starring and puts on a though face, quickening his pace to be at the front. He says something to Pj and his face pales. No, no, no, no. I shake my head and run down the stairs. Actually I kind of stumble down the stairs, having no idea how I managed to stay upright. Dan and his group follow me and I eventually fund myself with no where I go. The crowd I have managed to conceal myself in has dispersed and frantically search for somewhere to go.

They are catching up and I know I can't out run them, I'm helpless. I stand stuck to the spot just waiting for the inevitable. I am greeted to a winding punch to my stomach. I gasp trying to allow the air into my lungs. I look over to Dan, his face is facing to floor, not able to meet my eyes. I suddenly feel someone kick the back of my legs, right on the bruises and I let out an ear-piercing scream. Some of the group take a step back, shocked by the intensity of my scream, and a couple stay behind and kick my legs forcing my to the floor, one kick hits my back and I scream louder only to their amusement. I feel my self wavering, not quite conscious, not quite un-conscious. Yet I can still feel the impact of each kick.

Suddenly I hear someone yell and they all bolt. I lay there whimpering and crying. Broken. I hear a car fly past and just lay there. Several other vehicles pass and not one of them stop to check if the broken boy in the middle of the footpath is ok. Not one.

I can not tell how long I have been here. It feels like it has been so long, yet the sun still shines on my face and I know it is still daytime. I hear a car pull over and close my eyes. I am being lifted and carried over to the car, I keep my eyes closed and pray that it isn't a dodgy person. I hiss as they increase the pressure and they realise that it is my back.

I open my eyes as an instinct as we stop. I am met with to deep chocolaty pools. “No, p-please d-don't hurt me.” I cry, my body aches and I feel no release. I scratch at my arms willing to feel some, any kind of control. “Shhh shh it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you. It's just me.Ok? Your safe.” I feels somewhat comforted and only wish it was in different circumstances.

He places my, stomach down on the back seats of the Jeep. I feel his trembling fingers tug at my jumper and shirt. I whimper loudly and he pulls back. “Phil, I-I need to see if your ok.” He stumbles over his words gulping loudly. I am to weak to fight him and simply nod. He reluctantly places his hands under my shirt and jumper and slowly lifts it up. I feel his hands fall to his sides and a loud gasp escapes his mouth. “P-P-Phil,” he stutters, clearly in shock. “ Who did this to you?” His voice is pained as if expecting that he already knows the answers.

“I-It wasn't you.” I mutter. He nods glad he isn't responsible. His hands skim over the bruises and I wince in some particularly sensitive areas. “Phil, who did this to you?” he repeats again, a more determined edge to his voice. I shake my head. I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. He would kill me. “Phil?” the way my the says my name relaxes me. I don't know why but at this moment I don't really care. “He'd hurt me.” I say, instantly realising what I said. I open my mouth but Dan beats me to it. “Phil, who is he?” He seems genuinely concerned, and my heart soars but I can't afford to tell him. I would loose to much.

He leans on my back forgetting about my injuries. I let out a surprised and pain filled scream. Wishing the darkness would take me, and luckily it did, and I greeted it with open arms.

No, I'm Just Delusional (Phan) RE-WRITE IN PROCESSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu