TheCrimsonFuckr: Fair enough, also you may want to check the group chat tomorrow

EnergyEmerald: What, why?

TheCrimsonFuckr: You'll see

BlazingEmerald: Alucard, what the hell did you do?


Izuku sighed to himself as he threw his phone onto his bed as he changed pajamas and opened his window to let in some air as
Izuku walked past his dresser as he opened it and pulled out a photo album as he looked at the pictures as he stopped at one picture.

A picture of him as a little kid alongside a girl with black hair.

Izuku couldn't help but smile and cry at the same time at the picture as he walked to his window and looked at the sky and was daydreaming

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Izuku couldn't help but smile and cry at the same time at the picture as he walked to his window and looked at the sky and was daydreaming.

Izuku: "I love you so much Momo, no matter how far part we are, I will never think about a girl the way I think about you."

The next day

Izuku woke up and was thrilled it was the weekend as he remembered what Alucard said as he got on his phone and entered their group chat.

Katsuki= GroundZero

Shoto= Shiverburn

Seras= BitchesLoveCannons

Himiko= Bloodborn

EnergyEmerald has logged on

TheCrimsonFuckr has logged on

GroundZero has logged on

Shiverburn has logged on

BitchesLoveCannons has logged on

Bloodborn had logged on

GroundZero: All right, what is your grand surprise for us Alucard?

Shiverburn: You spent an hour and a half hyping this up last night, this better be good

TheCrimsonFuckr: Feast your eyes on this shit

EnergyEmerald: Alucard, I swear to god...



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GroundZero: Really? You screwed with McDonald's signs?

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GroundZero: Really? You screwed with McDonald's signs?

Shiverburn: How did you even do that?

BitchesLoveCannons: Why? Just why?

TheCrimsonFuckr: Why not? I was bored.

Bloodborn: You really need a hobby Alucard.

TheCrimsonFuckr: What you mean, I have a hobby

Shiverburn: Being a pain in the ass doesn't count as a hobby

GroundZero: Dracula, by that logic, Izuku's hobby is being cryptic since he won't tell us shit about his mystery love!

EnergyEmerald: You guys still on that?

BitchesLoveCannons: Izuku, you're in love with a mystery girl and we're noisy, we gotta know who it is.

Bloodborn: Honestly you shouldn't be surprised that me and Seras are being noisy.

TheCrimsonFuckr: On that note, Izuku told Integra more about his mystery love than us.

Shiverburn: What the hell?

Bloodborn: You're kidding right?

GroundZero: Integra doesn't even give a fuck about your love life Izuku, what da fuck!!!!!!!

EnergyEmerald: Here we go again, I ain't telling you guys about her.

BitchesLoveCannons: Maybe I can convince Integra to tell me what Izuku told her.

TheCrimsonFuckr: Oh god, just get together and make out with my sister already

BitchesLoveCannons: ALUCARD!

Shiverburn: He's got a point. The sexual tension between you and Integra has gone through the roof at this point.

BitchesLoveCannons: I am not listening to this.

Bloodborn: Katsuki and I will love to look after your babies.

GroundZero: Oi, I was minding my own business, how did I get dragged into this?!

BitchesLoveCannons has logged off

Bloodborn: Did we just embarrass her into logging off

TheCrimsonFuckr: Guess she couldn't handle the heat

EnergyEmerald: Boo....

Shiverburn: Really?

Bloodborn: You're such a jackass Alucard.

TheCrimsonFuckr: Jackass is my middle name.

GroundZero: You fucking wish, your middle name is Fahrenheit.

TheCrimsonFuckr: STFU, your middle name is Elizabeth

GroundZero: Dracula I swear, if you make one more joke about my middle name I will bring you to your knees! GOT IT?!


EnergyEmerald:  Oh, this will be good.

Izuku put down his phone as he looked out the window and smirked. Just 10 more months until U.A's entrance exams and Izuku will be dammed if he and his friends won't put themselves through hell to make it in.

But of as things are in life, nothing ever goes according to plan, especially when a certain bitch who shall not be named is considered.

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