Ignoring Ruby text, she got up from her chair. Let a sigh as she stretched her numb bone from sitting for too long. She began to put her music book away, which she always hid under her bed.

She knew no one would really go through her belongings it was a precaution, just in case someone thought it would be a good idea to prank her or whatever.

Once that was done, Y/N walked toward her bathroom. Doing her usual morning routine. Right as she finished her stomach let out a small growl, letting her know that it would probably be a good idea to start heading downstairs and make herself something to eat before her Managers arrive and start bossing everyone around.

As she walked down the wooden stairs, she couldn't help but hear the small conversation her bandmates were having, along with the tv blaring  its news out loud.

"We should plan a date at the carnival!" What sounded like Roseanne said. A excited gasp left, probably Lisa as she seem to speak next.

"Yes! I heard their opening up next week."

Y/N ignore the rest of their conversation as she made her way toward the kitchen, not giving the other girls a single glance as they were seated at the dinnir table having breakfast.

As she roamed the kitchen, hoping for a idea on what to eat. She gave up after a minute or two and just decided to eat a apple instead. But came to a complete halt by the fruit bowl, next to it lay a plate full of food, which seem like breakfast?

She was confuse by the plate of food. 'Was this for someone?' Y/N thought to herself while she looked around the  kitchen. At the far right the other girls were still talking to each other, it seem they haven't noticed her or maybe they had but decided to ignore her presence.

Not wanting to risk taking someone else food, decided to still take the apple along with a bottle of water.

While she made her way back upstair and out of sight, the girls conversation came to a stop.

"Did she take it?" Jennie whisper to the other girls, looking toward the kitchen hoping Y/N had taken the food Jisoo and her had made together.

Lisa shrugged before standing up from the dinner table, making her way toward the fruit bowl. To her disappointment the plate of food was still at the same place they had left it.

"It's still here." Lisa said, sadly. Making her way back to the girls.

"I knew it, we should've just put it by her door." Rosé said, upset. Slumping back. Jennie ran her hand up and down Rosé arm hoping to comfort her, which work a little bit.

"I just don't understand why we  couldn't just tell her we made breakfast for her? It just breakfast." Lisa said, stabbing her food with a frown.

Jisoo let out a sigh, getting up from the dinner table and walking toward the kitchen to put her dish in the sink since she finished eating. As she look down at her plate she mumble quietly knowing the other would hear her clearly without a problem.

"You know we can't." Jisoo said. She knew what Lisa really meant by the breakfast. They all made a promise a long time ago that they couldn't just break.

"But.. we're hurting her." Lisa mumble, almost in tears as she cover her face with her right arm. Jisoo came toward her, wrapping her arms around her, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Jennie and Rosé ran their thumb on each of Lisa hands, wanting to calm her from her upset state.

"I know...."


After a couple of hours later, Ruby and Leo had arrived at the pink house.

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