"If you must know, JJ and I are going to buy a certain someone's Christmas gifts. And I don't need you following us to the store. So Penelope offered to stay here to make sure you do," Emily said and raised an eyebrow. Carrie crossed her arms.

"I would never," Carrie said and smiled innocently. JJ and Emily both squinted their eyes as they nodded their heads at Carrie.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"And there she is now. Behave, please," Emily said and grabbed her purse that was by the door. JJ smiled softly over at Carrie. Emily opened the door and Penelope was on the other side.

"Hello, found family!" Penelope said and smiled widely. "You all are looking gorgeous all glowing and glimmering."

"Well, good afternoon, Pen," JJ said and embraced the woman into her arms. Emily smiled softly at the two interacting.

"And there's my favorite non-official goddaughter!" Penelope said as she moved into the apartment and embraced Carrie in a tight hug. "I am here to keep you company while your guardians are out shopping. We can have take-out from that Chinese place you like that's down the road. And we can totally have a girl's day."

"Sounds exciting. Have fun you two," Emily said and waved off the two women in her apartment. She grabbed onto JJ's hand and led her out the apartment.

After a short car ride, Emily and JJ had made their way into the busy mall. It was the first week of December, so the mall was packed with people rushing to finish their Christmas shopping early.

"Do you have any idea of what you're getting Carrie?" JJ asked and looked over at Emily. The raven-haired woman shrugged her shoulders.

"I've got a few ideas. She loves some alternative bands so I was thinking all the t-shirts a teenager would want. Penelope also said something about bluetooth headphones. Maybe something like that," Emily said and smiled softly. "I do have another gift in mind, but I'll need Penelope's great and handy skills for that."

"You're sneaky," JJ said and chuckled. The two women were walking a little too close to each other. They were a little scared to lose the other in the large crowds that they were in. Emily reached down and grabbed JJ's hand. The raven-haired woman didn't even think twice about it. JJ didn't mind it. She was happy that Emily reached out for her hand. "I think I have an idea for my gift to her."

"Yeah? What's that?" Emily asked and looked over at JJ. The blonde woman curled her hand around Emily's bicep. The raven-haired woman tensed slightly as she tried to remain calm. Emily was trying so hard not to panic.

"That's a secret between me and my brain," JJ said and smiled softly over at Emily. The blonde woman's eyes fell to Emily's neck. She was still proudly wearing the necklace that JJ had gotten her for her birthday. Emily wore it everyday. JJ couldn't help the smile that took over her face as she looked up at Emily. "You might steal that idea."

"Oh, the anticipation is killing me," Emily said sarcastically. JJ playfully hit her arm, making Emily chuckle. "Well, whatever it is. I am sure that Carrie will love it. This is the rare occasion that I get to run wild and spend money on her. She's a sweet kid. But I can't spend money on her when she's around. She feels bad."

"She is a good kid. You're doing a good job with her. I'm proud of you," JJ said as her and Emily walked into a clothing store. Emily's eyes softened as she looked over at JJ. Those four words were something Emily rarely heard. So, needless to say, Emily would get soft whenever she would hear them.

"You think so?" Emily asked in disbelief. JJ smiled softly at Emily and nodded her head.

"Of course I do," JJ said and placed her other hand gently on Emily's arm. "Even if you aren't there all the time. I can see how much you mean to each other. It really is adorable how the two of you interact."

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