
"Are you going to agree to help the king? " Yelena asked and walked up to me. I didn't answer her, I'm leaving now. I kept staring at the floor with my head hanging low. "Are you dead already? " she lowered her head in front of mine and I hit her with mine making her fall to the floor unconscious.

My forehead hurt like a bitch and I struggled to keep my voice in from the pain. After a few seconds I tried to undo my bonds, which took a while but I managed to do it. Tying me with rope was a mistake, I have plenty of experience where I was in my room and I had to free myself because my "guest" couldn't be bothered to do it before leaving the room. Once I was free I grabbed a knife from the table and opened the door to leave. A guard was standing there but I immediately stabbed him and I couldn't care less about it.

My reason for staying with Levi is because I don't want anything to do with that pig upstairs. And same goes for anyone who supports him. I went down the set of stairs and got to the dungeons. Zeke's eyes widen when he saw me and stood up.

"How? "

"It doesn't matter, I'm getting us out of here." I looked at the dungeon next mine, unfortunately the woman was not in there.

I kept looking around trying to find something I could break the lock with.

"No, no, (Y/N), listen." Zeke grabbed my hands. "Run, you can ascape, run."

"I'm not leaving you here, or her! "

"I heard a gunshot, guards will be on their way. Run, now! " he pushed me. "Don't waste time." I pushed my lips together.

"I'll be back with help. " I promised.

"Don't. Don't put my brother in danger like this. Don't tell him or anyone, just run and don't come back."


"Quickly, it came from here! " I heard gaurds.

"RUN! " Zeke yelled and I started running to the right where another path was.

I went down many set of stairs and jail cells with prisoners yelling at me when I passed them. I didn't really know where I was going. My entire body hurt from the torture. My legs could barely lift me and I could feel myself slowing down more and more. At some point I just stopped in the middle of a hallway and fell down. I don't know where I'm going and everything hurts.

Tears started falling from my eyes because of the pain and the fact I could hear the metallic sound of armor behind me. I'd be caught and brought back instantly and then executed in the town square. I'm so pathetic...

"Ah, ah! " I looked up at the familiar sound and felt my heart speed up when I saw Zeke the monkey.

"Zeke! " I also heard Eren and he rushed to me when he saw me. "(Y/N), oh my God."

"The guards-" I was cut off by a gunshot.

"Let's go! " I heard Sasha and another gunshot went off.

She was shooting the guards behind me. Eren lifted me up and started running while Sasha kept shooting behind us at the guards. Eren didn't have to run for long until we got outside. I didn't have time to look around as I heard two gunshots go off, I felt a piercing pain, combined with the rest of the pain I was in the world became dark in an instant.


When I opened my eyes I was met with a familiar ceiling and the smell of the sea. I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds trying to remember everything that had happened, which wasn't hard. Why did I pass out? I looked to the side and saw Levi sitting at his desk.

"Levi? " my voice came out weak but he still heard me and immediately stood up.

"(Y/N)? How are you feeling? " he sat next to me.

It's weird hearing him use my name.

"Like shit, what happened? " I tried to stand up but my shoulder hurt too much so I laid back down.

"I should be asking you that. Your body is covered in bruises and cuts. Not to mention you are missing a few nails. What happened? "

"I think people call it torture."

"This is no time for attitude, dove. Why did they torture you?" I sighed.

"Well... The king wanted me to kill you and deliver your head, I refused so he tortured me until I agreed."

"Tch, why didn't you just lie to get out? "

"I'd be escorted by an assassin."

"You could easily kill them. "

"A guard yes, not a trained assassin." I sighed again. "Either way it was just a few days so..."

"A few days too many." he shook his head. "When you were coming out of the palace guards were waiting for you outside, one of them shot you in the shoulder and you passed out."

"Did anyone get hurt? "

"Armin and Sasha have a few wounds but they are fine, nothing dangerous. Hange checks up on them regularly."

"Wha-for how long have I been out?"

"A bit over a day." my eyes widen.

"So... Have we left trost? "

"Yes, dove. We couldn't stay." I looked to the side sadly.

I couldn't get back to Zeke. I know he said to not go back but I still wanted to help him.


"Here," he gave me a cup of water. "Drink it and I'll bring you something to eat. After that go back to sleep, you need to get your strength back." he stood up and went to the door.

"Levi, " he looked at me. "Thank you, for not leaving me behind." he nodded and left the room.

A sigh left my nose and I looked back up at the ceiling. A few seconds later Zeke jumped on the nightstand next to me and held out my necklace for me.

"Thank you," I smiled. "You are a good monkey, thanks for defending me." he looked down. "You know, I met your dad. He is alive, he misses you."

"Ah. " he jumped down and run outside.

I closed my eyes enjoying the softens of the bed. I feel bad for leaving Zeke behind. But I suppose I don't have much of a choice. All I can do now is rest.

I could write the torture scenes but I thought it'd be best to avoid getting graphic.

On top of that I'm kinda sick... I'm sorry but Knowing You Again will take one or two more days to update. Last week I didn't update because I got really busy with work and the holidays. I'm sorry guys...

Anyway, happy (late) new year. And stay healthy everyone 😊💜



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