There was a hissed curse by her ear spoken by a voice she would never forget and a pair of pale hands with the long, slender fingers of a pianist shot out to slam against the side of the van. The metal groaned and dented under his fingertips, and those same hands moved so quickly that they became a blur as they lifted the vehicle and moved her legs out of the way.

The loud, metallic thud and popping of glass reached her ears as the van settled right where her legs had been. Lucinda stared, shocked, at the van and let out a long exhale that turned to mist in the cold air. 

Screaming broke out, followed by loud wails and calls of her name. Cold fingers tucked her hair behind her ears and cupped her face, turning it to face a deeply concerned golden gaze. His eyes were still wide, mildly frantic as they darted around her face.

"...Lucinda?" Edward called her name again and it finally registered, making her blink at him. "Are you alright?" He asked, his soft hands trembling against her skin.

 "Yes." Lucinda murmured, swallowing thickly, "I'm fine." She said after seeing the furrow in his brow, the pad of his thumb brushing over her cheekbone.

"You hit your head." He sounded pained as he said it like it was his fault.

She reached up, curling her much warmer fingers around his slender wrists as she stared into his beautiful eyes. "I'm fine," Lucinda whispered gently, reassuringly. "You stopped it."

His fingers twitched against her skin and she saw him stop breathing. Edward pulled his hands away from her as if she'd burned him and stared at her with a strangely detached weariness. "I just pulled you away. I was right next to you." He said with an uncharacteristic amount of seriousness.

Lucinda only stared in silence. 

It was all a blur, really. Lucinda's mind kept going back to the moment Edward disappeared from her sight and pushed her down less than a second later, to the way strong metal gave away under his seemingly delicate digits. 

She knew better than to question him right away, seeing the way he shielded her protectively from the flock of concerned students until the ambulance arrived. 


"So, Miss Enya," He began in a remarkably appealing voice, "How are you feeling?" 

The brunette smiled at him, "Perfectly fine now that your here, Doc." Lucinda replied, sending a wink towards his way.

Dr. Cullen looked at his mate with a warm smile, something like relief in his dark eyes, and walked over to the lightboard on the wall over her head to look at her X-rays. "These look good." He said after a moment of observing them, "Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard." Dr. Cullen asked, turning to face her again. 

"It's fine, he's exaggerating." Lucinda pointed out while sitting up


 "Not too bad," Lucinda told the young doctor.

The blond smiled back at her, flashing his pearly whites, "Well, your father is in the waiting room. You can go with him now, but don't hesitate to come back if you feel dizzy or have trouble with your eyesight at all." Dr. Cullen said before adding, "Take it easy for today. No school."

 "Mm, great." Lucinda sighed, letting her head hang forwards tiredly.

Dr. Cullen raised his eyebrows at her, "Do you want to stay?" He asked softly, genuine concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine." She assured him again.

"You can take some Tylenol for the pain." Dr. Cullen commented lightly as he took her chart into his hands. "You were extremely lucky, Miss Enya." He smiled warmly again, signing her papers with a flourish.

Carlisle holds Luci's hand to help her stand up."Thanks." She smiles up at him. Before she can step out the door Lucinda is engulfed in a hug.

"Are you okay? I was so worried." Alice squeezes Lucinda tight, resting her head in the crook of her neck.

"Easy Alice she has a headache," Carlise warns Alice, taking his leave.

Lucinda pulls away from Alice's tight embrace, "I'm fine, Alice no needs to worry."

"Oh thank God," Alice pushes the hair out of Lucinda's face.

Lucinda fluttered her lashes with a small grin, "I have great news though, m1y father said I can go shopping with Rosalie and you."

Alice lights up at this, grabbing Luci's hands jumping up and down, "I'm so excited, I can't wait to tell Rosalie." Alice calms down, smirking up at Lucinda," but before I let you go I want you to meet someone.

𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 , 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 Discontinued!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora