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Bakugos POV

Today was another boring day at UA. It feels like when Mineta isnt in school the day goes by very slow. *as Bakugo was walking to his dorm he feels someone cover his mouth and he suddenly passes out* ugh...w-where am I? "well hello Bakugo~" i hear an ominous voice say.. i know i recognize that voice but who's is it? "poor, poor Bakugo. falling in love with someone like me" my heart drops it can't be him. it can't be. "Bakugo, it's okay~ i'm sure the people you ignored to hang out with me are looking for you" the squeaky voice has an oddly evil laugh "WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME" i scream as loud as I can in hopes at least one person hears me. "I want revenge"

A/N: sorry for the really long wait but the next chapters are gonna be pretty juicy

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