Chapter 21

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You knelt down on the grass, holding your hand out to a tiny dragon that was scuttling along the floor, stopping when it saw you approaching, it sniffs your hand curiously then climbs onto your palm, circling round then runs up your arm disappearing into your hair tickling your neck.
You fish it out and place it back into the grass where is quickly runs off. You sigh contently and stand back up, usually forests were creepy at night, but this one was different. You notice a small light in the distance and run over towards it, Hiccup close behind. You pause at the edge of a section of long grass "are you okay?" Hiccup asks, peeking over your shoulder, you turn and press your finger to his lips, then take his hands and start walking backwards, pulling him forward to follow. You stop in the centre of the grass and grin, he raises an eyebrow, you let go of his hands and hold your arms out while slowly turning in a circle, as you disturb the grass, hundreds of glow worms light up the greenery. Hiccups eyes widen as the area surrounding you both glows up. "Wow." He whispers "glow worms...they can't fly, but they're pretty." You say, kneeling down and scooping a small handful up into your hands, illuminating your palms bright green.
Hiccup picks one up, examining it "bright little thing, isn't it?"
You hum in agreement "Gothi showed me books about them, I used to go into the forest when I was younger looking for them. I don't know why, they just fascinate me."

Spear and Toothless carefully tread over to you, trying not to squish any of the tiny creatures, Toothless gently swipes some more grass and it lights up, he wiggles his tail excitedly and opens his mouth, illuminating his blue blast "making friends, bud?" Hiccup chuckles, toothless coos and he blows a gentle blue cloud at the grass.

"It's getting late." Hiccup then says as he raises his arms above his head and stretches "the night is young." You reply, poking his chest. He glances at you "not tired then?"
"Not really."
He smiles and calls Toothless over "where to next m'lady?"
"If you want to head back, you can. I'll be fine." You say but he shakes his head "I'm good. Plus it's nice to spend this alone time with you."
"Well...not exactly alone." You chuckle, Spear nuzzles against you, purring happily "actually, I know the prefect place we can go!" Hiccup then says excitedly.
You follow him and Toothless through the night sky, wondering where he was taking you. You arrive at a large island and swoop through the trees then land.
You slide of Spear's back and walk over to where Hiccup was stood "a cave?" You question, the surrounding rock was covered in vines that were crawling all the way up the large structure with the entrance covered by more vines hanging loosely, swaying gently with the wind.
"Yes, a cave." He takes your hand and Toothless moves the curtain of vines with his tail, opening the entrance "this way." He guides you inside "it's so dark, I can't see a thing." You whisper, clutching Hiccup's hand tighter, he chuckles "just wait."

As you walk further in, a blue light slowly starts to get larger. Spear and Toothless close behind. You turn a corner and your eyes widen, right before you was a bright blue lagoon. The moonlight peeking through a gap in the ceiling illuminating the water "it's beautiful. How did you find it?" You ask, still gawking "the things you find when you go exploring, pretty impressive." Hiccup replies as he takes his boot off "you coming in?"
You nod and take your boots off along with your skirt, leggings and top now only in your underwear. Hiccup coughs awkwardly, his face burning red, you raise an eyebrow at him, smirking "you alright there, chief?" He looked like his face was going to go up in flames "I" He was stuttering, you giggle at him and dip your toe into the water, it was warm, an almost perfect temperature. You slide into the water and begin swimming around. Spear jumping in after you, splashing you, Hiccup and Toothless in the process "you usually hate water." You laugh at your dragon , climbing onto his back and he glides through the water.

You were so pre occupied you didn't hear Hiccup entering the water, he swims up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you off Spear's back, you fall against Hiccup's chest "you scared me!" You pout, he laughs and lets you go, you turn to face him, his eyes glistening. "This place is beautiful, thank you for taking me here." You say, swimming closer, pressing your forehead against his. He closes his eyes and whispers "anything that makes you happy."
You giggle and peck his lips lightly then duck under the water, swimming away.
The water felt so relaxing against your body, it was like getting a massage all over, you honestly didn't want to ever leave but after a while your fingers were starting to prune.

You climb out and Toothless lights a fire you all sit around to dry off. You and Hiccup sit side by side, your head leaning against his shoulder, the soft sound of the crackling fire filling the cave.
You smile to yourself the warm fire making you feel suddenly sleepy.
"We're almost completely dry, we should probably head back." You say, Hiccup nods and stands up, grabbing his clothes, you do the same then put the fire out and the 4 of you head back outside.

You re attach Spear's saddle, securing it in place then hear a rustling noise. You snap your head to the side, the surrounding bushes swaying against the wind. something felt wrong, but maybe your mind was being paranoid. You were feeling tired after all. Then you hear a branch snap "Hiccup." You whisper, he was pre occupied with making sure the tail control for Toothless was good to go.
"Hiccup." You whisper again "hmm?" He looks over his shoulder "I heard something." You say, he stares at you blankly "I didn't hear anything." He shrugs it off and goes back to what he was doing.
You sigh softly and check the saddle one more time when Spear suddenly roars and collapses to the floor "Spear!" You kneel beside him, Hiccup and Toothless run over, Spear looks up at you groggily. You notice a needle sticking out his side and take it out examining it. Hiccups eyes widen "trappers."
Just then, Toothless roars and falls down then a pair of arms hook around yours from behind and you're pushed forward to the floor pressing your face into the ground, Hiccup tries to tear the man off you but a second one grabs onto him and pulls him back.
The second man pushes Hiccup down next to you while a third presses a cloth to his mouth, he screams into the fabric, shaking his head side trying to nudge the cloth off.
You watch in horror as Hiccup slows down, his eyes beginning to droop, limbs going limp. You scream for him but his eyes roll up as his lids close and he goes completely still, his body sinking into the grass.
"Thank you for the dragons." A voice says as your mouth and nose are also covered by a cloth. Your eyes blurring as they fill with tears from fear and the strong smell stinging them. You reach out to Hiccup as everything goes black.

Your eyes slowly open, the harsh sunlight almost blinding. You take a few moments to try and wake up, your body aching and weak. You had no idea how long you both had been here, all you knew was it was now daylight. As your eyes slightly come into focus a figure comes into view "H-Hiccup." You whisper croakily, you couldn't see him properly through the blur but he wasn't moving or responding to your voice. You try to shuffle closer but a realisation that you couldn't really move fell upon you. Your hands and legs were tied together, that combined with whatever you were drugged with was still lingering in your system. You were stuck laying on your front, clueless on what to do.
Your eyes shook as you fought to keep them open, the faint sound of wings filling your ears as you close your eyes again, no strength to move.

"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?" A familiar voice echoes in your ears, you felt your arms fall freely by your side as they were cut from the rope, you barely manage a mumble in response. A second voice pipes up "Hiccup still isn't responding."
"I think they've been drugged with something (y/n) is slowly coming around." The first voice replies, you recognised them but your blurred mind couldn't figure out who they belonged too. You drag your arms forward and try to lift yourself off the ground, a pair of hands old onto you "careful, don't push yourself."
You lift up your heavy head and come face to face with a pair of blue eyes "are you alright?" It was Astrid, you turn to Hiccup, he was still laying on his front, eyes closed with someone knelt beside him, it took you a moment to identify them as Fishlegs. "Hiccup? Can you hear me? Wake up." He was gently tapping The chiefs cheek, trying to get a response out of him. He scrunches up his nose a few times "I'm getting something!" He calls, you roll onto your back and slowly sit up, Astrid helping you. Your head falls into your hands, it was throbbing.
Half an hour passes and you finally felt like you had the strength to move, you shakily rise to your feet and walk a few steps over to Hiccup and flop back down next to him, he had sat up rubbing his temples "we were wondering why you two didn't come home last night, Valka was worried." Astrid says "what happened?"

"I can't think." You reply, trying to replay last night in your mind "we were just exploring...I think."
"It will come back to you, seems like you were drugged." She says "but...where are Toothless and Spear?"
Those words replay in your head, then it all comes back, you look around frantically but it was true, the dragons weren't anywhere to be seen.

Someone had kidnapped them.

Losing control (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now