Chapter 20: What you gonna do? Repress it!

Start from the beginning

"Will..." His voice was croaky, the son of Apollo hummed in acknowledgement as he went to finish off the first gash. "Thank you..." He stilled, probably too tired to even react to the pain now.

"Don't thank me yet, I haven't finished yet Oliver." He set about doing the second one, tying off each one as the skin closed, it was satisfying to watch a gaping wound close up and then the skin bring itself back together.

"I'm just going to put some nectar on the wounds to speed up the healing and then we're done." Will smiled up at Oliver, reaching for the nectar that rested on top of the cabinet, only he was met with frigid eyes.

It wasn't the usual storm that you could see in a child of Athena's eyes, sometimes he swears that you could see the swirl of their thoughts in their eyes as they looked in the distance or as if they were gazing straight through your soul.

It was the cold gaze of the dead.

He was too late.

With trembling hands Will reached for a drachma, forcing open Oliver's mouth he slid it under his tongue and shut his mouth again, blood smeared on his eyelids and he closed them shut.

He stood to gather the corpse into his arms bridal style into the room next door, where his body could lay with the rest till the battle was won. Hopefully. Will gently brought him down to the ground.

"Your welcome Oliver, rest well."

He entered the infirmary again and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, taking a moment to collect himself. He moved towards the sink to wash the crimson off his hands, he didn't know when the next body would come to him, warm or cold.

"Will?" His blue eyes moved to rest on the face of the son of Hades, his dark eyes were frowning in concern. "You've been washing your hands for five minutes, you're gonna end up scratching the skin off if you don't stop."

Will followed his troubled gaze to where his hands were rubbed raw, they were wrinkled and starting to get small scratches on them. He let loose a nervous chuckle as he turned off the tap and dried them with a towel. "My bad, I was just caught up is all." Nico hummed at him, his eyes lingered on him for a few moments before he went to get finished getting dressed in his all-black clothes.

"You still planning to meet with Potter and the other two today?" The son of Hades called from the room they shared, a new aviator jacket rested on the two single beds that they had pushed together.

"Yeah, we might get more insight on the enemy since those three appear to be at the centre of their war. And I will say that I'm a bit concerned though, Harry looked a bit too underfed for my liking, like someone else I know." Will jabbed a finger at Nico's ribs when he passed him to change out of his pyjamas.

"I'd like to see you go to Ta- below the Underworld and get trapped in a jar with only five seeds to eat and try to get back onto a normal diet." He snarked.

"I know Neeks, I know. Reminds me that I should do a check-up on Annabeth and Percy to see how their stomachs and lungs are as well, they're still designing the inhalers for the three of you at camp. Hopefully, they should have finished them by Christmas." The blond pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans as he mused in his thoughts. It reminded him of a lot of things that he had left to be done with the rest of camp in his sibling's hands. Yet he still had much to do here on this special 'quest': he was still going about ensuring that the demigods here were on the long road to recovery, having to mentally assess the Hogwarts students that he'll be doing therapy with, then there was the issue of having to start therapy sessions seeing as they all know how essential they will be in the Wizard's incoming war, not to mention the constant worry of the damage that Tartarus has done to his boyfriend and the engaged couple. There was still a lot to unravel, they had barely scraped the surface of what had even happened, none of them could even say the name, but that was the first step that he was determined to take with them, his only hope is that the hardship wouldn't have too many mental, emotional and physical effects.

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