Chapter 7 - How Do we Fix it?

Start from the beginning

"Fuck Remy, that sounds intense,"

"It was and honestly, it made the sex all the hotter as twisted, as that sounds. I knew that I should walk away, that I should put distance between us but, I guess I am like any other man on the planet, because honestly the sex was too good to walk away from. Stupidly, I thought that I had it under control, that I knew how to control her," he let out a sarcastic laugh as he turned to meet my gaze. I figured he was looking for a sign that I thought less of him because of what he just admitted but honestly, I had no room to talk, I was staying with a man who cheated on me because I loved him more than life itself.

"I'm guessing things got worse?" I held his gaze with nothing but compassion in my eyes, or at least I hoped that was what I was conveying to him.

"Yeah, she graduated from that to looking through my phone and questioning every interaction I had with any woman, she checked my clothes when I came home, she insisted that I have my phone on speaker anytime I got a phone-call. It was exhausting but I couldn't walk away, I didn't want to, and I justified my reasoning with anything I could think of - she just loved me passionately, she had been hurt in the past, she was just naturally suspicious of men, I had been cagey with my phone - you name it I used it to justify my staying,"

"It's truly amazing how we will fool ourselves into thinking we are doing the right thing for ourselves, or that we deserve the behaviour because of something we have said or done," I offered, and he nodded, almost as if he were glad that someone voiced his own thoughts.

"A year after we met, we got in an almighty argument - she had answered my phone while I was in the shower and it had been the casting director on a movie that I was really excited about landing, a woman casting director. Jessica went crazy down the phone - telling the woman to lose my number, that I was spoken for and if she thought opening her legs to me would get me to leave her then she was sorely mistaken -,"

"Oh God Remy I am so sorry," I reached out and touched his arm gently.

"Thanks," he sighed as if the mere thought of remembering was making it all come alive for him again, so once again I gave him the time to gather his composure to continue, "it was the first time that I got really angry with her possessiveness. I roared at her that she was messing with my career and that maybe we needed a break from each other. Just a few weeks to both cool off and get some perspective, unfortunately she wasn't up for that, and she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and proceeded to chase me around the apartment with it -,"

"Fuck. Did you manage to get away unharmed?"

For the following half hour, I sat and listened to this man explain the worst day of his life. It's funny that he used the word perspective because hearing his story, it definitely gave me a perspective that I hadn't been expecting to find when I initially sat down with him.

Yes, Jay had betrayed me, yes, he had taken my trust and he shredded it but in the grand scheme of things - I knew that I could forgive him. I would forgive him, and we would find our way back to one another, it just might take time but that was one thing that we had plenty of. The important thing was that we loved one another - he had made a mistake, but it wasn't a mistake that couldn't ever be forgiven.

A Couple of Hours Later;
Jensen Ackles...

When Hailey came back from her walk, she appeared calmer, lighter in a way that she hasn't been since I told her about what I had done. Coming here had been a good idea, that much has become increasingly obvious as the days have passed.

Trying to deal with this back home would have been next to impossible. My wife may not be famous, well not famous in the traditional sense - she was more often than not recognised by my fans. A little fact that had taken her some time to get used to, but now she was almost a seasoned veteran when it came to coping with the trappings of fame. There was never a time when she was rude to anyone, even when sometimes it encroached on our time together. It was one of the things that I loved the most about her.

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