Daydreams BAD BAD BAD

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*Diana's POV*

I have to admit, that hurted. Dont ask me why though, 'coz fuck it. I don't even know myself! I sighed and looked at my schedule... well, it seems like we have advisory first period. Great, time to listen to lectures :] one of my most favorite things. Chrissy, Kayla and I walked into the auditorium. Damn, all the seats were full. How da faq did all these niqqas get in before us? There was only one row with space left so we began to walk towards it.... but as I saw who was sitting there I halted. Today was not my day was it?

I groaned "ugh, we have to sit next to Matthew guys."

They looked at me, "Aaaand why exactly is that a bad thing?" Chrissy asked? "He's hot and single woman."
._. I squinted at her. For some reason, her calling him hot ticked me off. "Well it should" said my subconscious, "he's ours." No I told myself not yours MINE. I facepalmed. Seriously, I gotta stop talking to myself, I'm already wacko enough.

I looked at Matthew who was smirking, oh how I want to wipe that stupid smirk off his lips. Maybeh a kiss would do :]. I felt my body heat up at the thought of that.....
Woah, woah, WOAHHHHH where did that come from? I pinched myself, snap out of it Diana. Fr


Yellers, bishes, new update. :) in-joy! 
At the side or beginning whichever version ur reading is ze one and only Matthew Swift

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