"That's awesome, I really liked the little extend I have seen of your powers, I will totally will be interest to see you in action and how they work on a battlefield" - said Norrin - "also we have a good advantage with me being there with you, not only for the fighting but to help you with the other side of your abilities" - he added with a smirk

"What do you mean?" - I asked confused

"That I will be helpful during those times your pheromones got out of control, I mean what better than your lover to be the one helping you through it?" - He said

"You know...I don't remember much of my ex but...one of those things is that I push him away every time that happened to me, that didn't made it easier for me to like have a boyfriend to help me through that, I always was ashamed of that part of my mutation" - I said to him

"Why would u be ashamed of it?" - He asked confused

"Because...that was the main reason I had to leave where I come from and go to the mansion" - I say - "people around me got so confused with that...I never really told much people about this but...I even got very close to being raped during one point and I was just 14 years old just about 2 years after my powers manifested...it was my older brother and..." - I trailed, my body shook at the memory and I felt Norrin holding me closer to him if that was even possible in the position we were

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" - he assured me

"Sorry..." - I say with my voice cracking and cleaning a tear that rolled from my eye - "thankfully nothing happened because my dad found us and could take my brother way for some reason the only two people that weren't affected by that were him and my mom...but it was too late...I turned into someone so hated back then, even by my own dad, people said very bad stuff about me, they avoided me and some even were aggressive pushing me around making me fall on the ground, one time I had to run away from a group of guys that throw rocks at me...if it wasn't for my aunt and Professor Xavier finding out about me...I don't think I would have been here" - I say

"Thankfully you are here and...no matter what happened in the past Talib...that doesn't define who you are, you are more than just your powers" - he said to me - "however...you shouldn't feel ashamed about them as they are part of you, even that and you know...maybe back then you didn't have all the help and you are used to push people away when that happens but...I will always stand by your side, I will not guilt you about it or leave you, not even when that happens" - he explained

I felt my whole body still shake as my eyes cried but not from sadness...but I felt...loved and happy that someone was saying this words to me, it was like he injected me with something and made a warm feeling spread all over my body but not in the bad way, on the contrary it made me feel...safe

"Norrin..." - I said with my voice feeling small and hug him tight before kissing his cheek - "thank you...thank you for those words but...you shouldn't compromise so quick with me this way" - I say worried

"But I want to, I never felt this way with anybody ever Talib and I don't care if it's too soon, I feel like we are deeply connected and I bound to the words I just say, I promise, I will never leave you" - he said

<<<<<<<<<< END OF FLASHBACK >>>>>>>>>>

But he did leave, even after he promised...I know that it may sound very selfish that I would have prefer him to stay even if what he did was to save his planet and become what they say a Hero in the history books of his planet...

4) Guardians of the Galaxy | Bonus Track (The M'kraan Crystal)Where stories live. Discover now