Remus fingers glided over the material of the chair, his eyes trailing behind that movement "I will stay at the apartment, I can visit though. Dumbledore only told her to move and told her not to go out." 

"Did Dumbledore speak to you?" asked Talea, frowning as her thumb brushed over Sirius hand.

Remus nodded "Yes, why are you asking?" 

"He doesn't reply to my letters and I don't know who else I should talk to, everyone says he's the most powerful wizard and everyone has faith that he can put an end to Voldemort but I don't see him doing anything effective. These letters are important, I've told him several names of the death eaters and possible attacks that are planned but he doesn't seems to care." 

Remus leaned slightly forward with a questioning look "I don't know why he doesn't reply to your letters or why he doesn't search for them but why do you know some of Voldemort's plans and their names? I know that you're somehow connected to him but you were never able to see details let alone names." 

"That-" her head snapped back to Sirius as she heard him cough. Remus rushed over to his side and Talea felt Sirius press her hand slightly.

"Sirius? Can you hear me?" he let out a quiet grunt and opened his eyes slowly but they had to adjust to the light. 

"I'll go and get a healer" said Remus, glancing at Sirius once before rushing out of the room. 

Talea let out a relieved sigh and pressed a kiss onto his forehead "Don't you dare do that again, I thought I would lose you." 

Sirius raised a hand to her to swipe a tear away that Talea didn't even noticed. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, love." 

She smiled and gave him a short kiss on his mouth. "I love you." 

Sirius grinned" I love you too." 

Talea turned to the door as she heard steps nearing the door and a few moments later Remus pushed the door open, followed by a healer- and not surprisingly James. 

The spectacled boy rushed to his friend and let out an excited giggle as he saw Sirius with his eyes open. "You're alive! You really have to stop being this dramatic Sirius, I would've easily pulled the knife out and punched Lestrange in her face."

Remus scoffed "I bet for her it would be as if you were caressing her cheek." 

Sirius started to laugh but ended up coughing, the healer was already rushing to help but the boy recovered quick and pointed at James "Take that little doe." 

James eyes widened dramatically as he cried out "I am not a little doe, I am a-" Remus hit him over his head with a magazine that laid near Sirius bed. And motioned to the confused looking healer "Let him do his work in peace little doe." 

The healer started to talk when James was just about to talk back to Remus "Well, I see that you're fully capable of talking again. Your side will feel sore but you will take a potion every night that will reduce your pain. You'd have to stay in St. Mungos for the next few days, so that we can keep an eye on you." 

Talea put a hand over Sirius mouth when he was about to protest and answered "Thank you for helping sir, I bet Sirius is very thankful too." She raised a threatening brow at Sirius, causing his eyes to widen at the look she gave him. 

"Of course, I am very thankful Mr. Healer." The man rolled his eyes and slipped out of the room with nothing more but a short 'Bye'.

Talea let out a sigh "Good, does that mean that I can finally go home for a few hours?" 

"You'll leave me?" Sirius whined. 

"Yes, she will, she hasn't left your side for the past few days. And now stop being dramatic you arse" interrupted Remus. 

Talea pecked Sirius lips with a soft smile "I'll be back in a few hours" before slipping out of the room, Remus following her. 

Sirius eyes never left her until the door closed and he turned to James with an excited grin "You know what? She told me she loved me!" 

James patted Sirius shoulder with a nod "You don't have to tell me every time Padfoot."  

"You're doing the same with Lily." 

James blushed slightly "I do not!" 

A few hours later Talea sat beside Sirius again, like she'd promised. She was still angry at Dumbledore for not answering her letters but that emotion was pushed back by happiness as she heard that Alice and Frank are to be married. 

She was happy for her friends; she was glad that they had each other just as she had Sirius. Talea was glad that she had such amazing people around her, her family and friends but it was these times that she realised that there was something missing. Or rather someone and she knew that especially Sirius felt the same way. 

Oh, how they missed Regulus. Even though they didn't knew each other for a long time it felt like he was someone that she'd already knew for years. She missed the constant teasing of the siblings and the way that neither of them would admit that they meant the world to each other even though they wouldn't stop admiring the other. She missed Regulus sarcastic comments and at the same time she still felt a little bit guilty for their loss. 

Talea knew that Sirius missed his little brother but he was so proud of him. So proud of the admirable person he had become. The only calming thought was that she was sure that the boy would be never truly gone.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now