Chapter Twenty Four

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[] #naleks #tay #thalecks or #jewt? []

The Griever landed on some Gladers and nearly missed Aleks. Newt had pulled her out of the way before the metal landed roughly on the ground.

They all immediately ran out as the Griever was orienting itself. More metal monsters swarmed all around the Glade. Jay and Thomas ran out, clutching each other's hands. Newt and Aleks soon followed behind.

"RUN!!" Thomas yelled, the Grievers running after them. There was nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Except...The wheat field. But it was all the way across the Glade with fifty Grievers in the middle.

Gladers everywhere were hiding or running into the far away woods. They were all going to get picked off one by one if they didn't find a solution and fast. Thomas and Jay let go of each other to help up a Glader.

It was like Thomas had read Jay's mind. "The wheat field." They whispered in unison. Newt and Aleks had already started running for safety. Jay was starting to run but Thomas grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

"Jay. I love you. No matter what happens, okay. Remember that." He took her chin in his hand and slammed his lips to hers. Jay kissed back, gripping him tightly.

As much as she would love to stay here frozen, they had to run. "I love you too." She mumbled softly into his lips. A Griever snapped them out of their reverie and made them run towards the field.

The Grievers forced them apart, causing them to run into different parts of the huge maze like field. Thomas whirled around after reaching Newt and Alecks. Where was Jay? She was no where in sight.

He started to panic. "Is Jay with you guys?" He asked Newt and Alecks. They only shook their heads solemnly. "Jay..Jay!!!" They held him down as he screamed and struggled.

"No! Let me find her!!!" Thomas screamed, tears welling up in his eyes. Newt punched him to knock him out and he was out like a light. "He really loves her..." Aleks remarks after a short while. Newt nods and sighs softly. "I used to love her like that too..."

Alecks slowly looked up at him. Was she a rebound?! She decided she would try to analyze the situation first. Then come to a conclusion. "What...happened?..." She spoke haltingly.

"Well...I've known her for nearly three years...And I just developed feelings for her... When Thomas and her got together, I....I was heart broken...But...I think that're mending it..." Newt spoke softly, looking down sheepishly.

"I..." Alecks interrupted him by putting a finger on his lips. "Newt..." She bit her lip and sighed. "I know...Sorry..." He looked away from her. "Don't say you're sorry. I...feel the same way." She took his rough hands in hers.

Newt looked at her again and cupped her cheek with one hand. "Alecks..." He rubbed her cheek with his thumb gently. Alecks felt a soft blush painting her cheeks. It was like the chaos around them melted away as they got closer and closer. Their lips met in the form of a sweet kiss.

Then, a Griever roar shattered the atmosphere.

The Maze Runners [ Thomas Fanfiction ] ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt