25 - This Generation of Cutsleeves Just Won't Do

Start from the beginning

Now that he mentioned this, He Huan also agreed. You Jiang's personality was unsuited to the stable life, so he also wasn't a good fit. The only problem was, where in the world would he find a beauty for He Ku that he would also approve of?

A list of names quickly flashed through his mind, but He Huan found that he really didn't want to give away the Yuan Ying he used so much effort to raise. Assuming that this was He Ku's first time seeing a nine-tailed fox spirit and was merely temporarily attracted, then he should be able to get over it in a few days as long as he was exposed to something more seductive. He quickly decided that he must strangle this singular physical attraction before it had the time to develop into something more.

He Ku felt suspicious of He Huan's silence. When he turned his head back to look, he saw this idiot suddenly take a robe from out of nowhere and begin to strip, clearly about to change right then and there. His line of sight swept over that well-defined collarbone and couldn't help but remember the feeling of He Huan's fingers sliding over his last night. His heart jumped and he uneasily asked, "Why are you changing in public?"

From his tone of voice, and with all of He Huan's experience in this department, he immediately knew that his pure little Yuan Ying's heart had moved again. He became even more firm in his decision to pluck the seedlings Bai Chen had left before He Ku could even discover them. He tenderly caressed He Ku's cheek as he prepared to end his first love, and spoke gently, "To prevent your suffering, and you later spending every waking moment of your life thinking about him, I can only help you by showing you something better."

The fuck? Wasn't he just thinking about Yun Ce? Why in the world would he spend every waking moment thinking about an airhead?

He Ku stared blankly as he watched their body make its way towards the fight. He still hadn't gotten what He Huan meant, but it didn't take long before he understood. Instantly, he felt a rush of blood flood to his head as he watched He Huan, who was now dressed in a red robe, land on the giant bear's body and look intensely at Bai Chen.

This pervert really had been holding it in for too long. Look! The moment he saw some pretty fox swaying about, he even went to change his clothes before going to tease it! Where did their 'talking with each other is better than drowning in wine and women' go? Where was the 'bros before hoes', you trash? Shameless! You have been judged!

Nobody knew that He Huan and He Ku's thoughts had completely missed each other by an entire galaxy. The crowd watching the commotion was so shocked that they wouldn't have the time to consider such things even if they did know. All they knew was that a man in red suddenly appeared from the sky and silently landed on the white bear's back right in the middle of the Little Prince's standoff.

The white bear offered no protest after this person lightly patted it, resigning to lay on the ground instead. From this, it could be assumed that this individual's cultivation was much higher than anyone present.

However, compared to admiring his cultivation, their gazes were firmly locked on his outer appearance.

Typically, people wearing the colour red would exude a sultry or indecent air, but on this person, its brightness and resplendent quality had been completely controlled— just like a maple forest washed by autumn rain, standing alone as the years went by and becoming engulfed by a silent flame, or like the rose-coloured sky reflecting off of the clouds, containing beauty in its peacefulness. With his ink-black eyebrows, straight nose, and soft thin lips, his face had the splendour of a young man that had just grown out of adolescence. A bit more sophistication and a little less boyishness, it was this middle ground that made up the most flourishing time of youth.

His face would forever stay at the age of his prime, but his eyes that should have been as clear as autumn ripples had become endlessly profound and isolated like the abyss of the ocean. Those eyes made people reluctant to turn their gazes away, tempting them to unravel the secrets buried inside them.

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