twenty two

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caption: boston, here i come. :) 

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The flight to Boston was nothing special. Half the time Karl was asleep on my shoulder and the other half we we're just watching a movie Karl had downloaded on his laptop. 

When we landed, I felt fear take over my body. I was so worried to see my father and hear what he'd have to say. I mean, what could he possibly have to say after all this time? 

I snapped the thought of my dad out of my head and focused on me and Karl, I was so happy he was with me. 

Once me and Karl got our luggage and everything, we waited in front of the Airport for our uber to arrive. Once it got there, we drove to our hotel.  

I was pointing out of the window a lot showing Karl all the places I used to go to when I was little, and which ones we're my favorite.

Being here with him made me feel so lucky, he was getting to see where I grew up and meet my family. It sounded so unbelievable to me how far we've gotten in our relationship. I love this boy so much. 

We arrived at our hotel and once we got everything situated, we went into our room.

I jumped on the bed in the middle of our hotel room, "Oh my god, finally a bed!" I groaned into the pillow.

Karl jumped on the bed with me laughing, "This feels great." Karl said.

We both sat up and looked at each other, "I'm glad you came with me Karl." 

He grabbed my hand, "I'm glad I came too." 

I kissed him on the cheek and laid down on his chest, "So, what do you want to do first?" 

"Well, later we're gonna go to your aunts right?" 

"Yes sir. She's really excited to meet you, everyone is." 

"Everyone as in?"

"Well for starters, my aunts gay. Her wife Serena is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. They adopted a daughter who always looked up to me and Ella when we lived here, she's like 13 now. And then my cousin Elijah is staying with them for the holidays so, that's who we will be seeing tonight." I smiled.

"Oh boy, I need to make a good impression with all of them."

"Don't worry Karl! Like I said last night, they'll love you!" 

Karl wrapped his arm's around me, "I hope so." 


"When are we gonna see your dad?"

I sighed looking over at Karl, "We'll see him on Christmas Eve at the party. God, I'm so nervous to see him." 

a/n: btw, emily and her family celebrate christmas on christmas eve, just in case anyone was confused. 

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