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Ella's POV

"Seriously? Who could that be?" Mina said.

I knew we weren't expecting anybody else to come over for the party so I was curious who could be at the door. 

"Ugh, I'll get it." 

I was excited for my friends to sing happy birthday to me and now some random person had to come and ruin it? Now they were gonna have to face me, drunk. 

"Wait Ella, no!" 

I walked over to the front door and opened it. 

"Okay listen here bud, I-" 



"Surprise.." He said.


"Am I really drunk or do you guys see him too?" 


"Both." Karl spoke. 


"Wha- What are you doing here?" 

"I heard it was your birthday so..I wanted to come and surprise you!" 

"But, how did you know where I lived?" 

"I told him." I heard Emily say from behind me. 

"Wait, did you plan this?"

"Yeah! I figured you would get a chance to finally talk to him, like you wanted to."

"Em, thank you so much." I ran up to my brown haired best friend and hugged her. 


"Oh okay Ella, your hugging me a little too tight." 

"Oh! My bad..." I laughed.

"Here, you can put those bags in my room." I said to Dream and he followed me. 

"Wow, your room is nice." 

"Thanks, you can put them right there." I pointed towards my desk and he slowly put his bags there after.

After doing so, he sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to him, motioning for me to sit down.


"Dream I just wanna say-"

"No let me start. When we were in high school, I thought when you didn't talk to me that we had broken up. I never told you this but, the first week when you weren't there, I was an emotional wreck. The only other person who was there for me besides Em was Vicky. She had asked me on a date three days before you got back and i just figured we were over so, I said yes. But she wasn't as great as you were, you meant everything to me and when you and Em moved away I wanted to just fly over here and talk to you, tell you I still have feelings for you, but I was so scared. You left so mad at me, I figured you never wanted to talk to me again. Seeing Emily's text saying you still liked me made me the happiest guy on the Earth, god that sounds so cheesy but it's true. Ella if you could give me another chance, I wouldn't mess it up for the world. I- I love you Ella." Dream spoke.

I've been waiting for so long to hear him say those words, and now that he finally was, it just didn't feel real.

"I would've thought we were broken up too Dream. There's been so many times where Emily's tried to set me up with guys here but, I always said no because well, you. God you never did anything wrong, this was all me. I was just a dumb little girl who didn't understand anything and god I still don't know anything! But I do know one thing, I love you too Dream." 

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