Fragile Hearts

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It took three whole days before Florence went back to Ginny's flat. Three days of marching around her own flat, pondering about what to do with this situation, biting her nails until her fingers bled and crying in the shower with a bottle of vodka.

Three days of dealing with a shattering heart.

Was their love strong enough to work through this? Florence was starting to doubt it and she never had before. It was just the way Ginny had begged her to leave in the kitchen and the anger that was present in her voice when she had said it that cut into her heart and left a right scar. 

Loving Ginny was thrilling. It was blissful, easy, calm, fiery, adventurous, exciting, lovely, comfortable, passionate. Overall, it was beautiful.

But Florence knew that the most beautiful beings have the power to destroy your heart completely.

They couldn't avoid each other forever so one evening, three days after Ginny's birthday, Florence apparated over. Her fist lingered in the air in front of the door. A million thoughts were racing through her head and some of them were stopping her from knocking. 

Ginny meant everything to her. Florence would go through hell and back for her. She would fight off thousands of Dark Wizards just to ensure Ginny's safety. She would do anything for Ginny. Anything but continue to hide.

It was tiring, it was dreadful and it was depressing. Ginny's birthday had made all to clear to Florence that she was not planning on telling her family about their relationship. Florence didn't want to be disrespectful and force Ginny to do something she wasn't comfortable with, but she couldn't be someone's secret anymore.

Being with their friends was fine, being with their colleagues was fine, being with anyone but Ginny's family was fine. In those moments, Florence couldn't feel happier. In the moments alone with Ginny, the real Ginny, Florence could not stop thanking the most powerful wizards and witches that have ever existed for blessing her with Ginny's love.

But the second someone mentioned Ginny's family or whenever they came around, Ginny froze. Ginny, Florence's Ginny, faded and a frustrated, angry, scared woman took over instead. Someone who would beg Florence to leave and accuse her of outing Ginny.

It was too much to bear.

She knocked softly. For a split second, everything was fine. As Ginny opened the door, gorgeous red hair, eyes that Florence would sink into every time again, gentle, yet sharp, features, freckles specked all over her pale skin. Ginny was beautiful.

But that feeling of peace faded just as quickly as it had come.

"Hi," Ginny said, the corner of her mouth twitching, but not turning into a smile. Florence was sure that she was not getting a genuine Ginny smile today.

"Hi," Florence replied. The tension was so tight between them that Florence's muscles tensed up within the matter of a second. Ginny stepped aside to let her in and Florence did so. The flat that once made her feel so cosy and at home now felt cold and unfamiliar.

"So," they both said at the same time. For a few seconds they cracked a smile but their eyes didn't smile with their lips. Ginny's bottom lip was red and chewed up and Florence knew she had been just as distraught as she had been.

"How erm... How are you?" Florence asked, sitting down on the couch. Ginny sat down next to her, but not as close as she usually did. Ginny looked at her, frowning a little. "Sorry. I know the answer." 

"It's fine. I find this awkward too," Ginny confessed. "I just... I don't know where to start. I... I'm sorry for what I said but you were getting involved in deeper conversations and pretending like you're part of the family and then you blurted out you're a lesbian and-"

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