Pillow Talk

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The next few days passed by in a joyous blur. Ginny hadn't been that happy and enthusiastic in months and the women spent most of their time in bed, on the couch, on the kitchen floor or in the shower.

Even after Florence had returned from the grocery store with some fresh vegetables and fruits so they could stop eating the stale biscuits in the drawer, Ginny attacked her like a lion attacks its prey. The grocery bag fell to the floor and Florence got carried to the bed.

Merlin, she loved celebrating with Ginny.

Exhausted, Ginny let herself fall on her back next to an equally exhausted Florence. Florence turned on her side and nuzzled her face into the crook of Ginny's neck. There were drops of sweat dripping down her forehead. Ginny's skin was damp too.

Their room smelled like sex and sweat and faintly like vanilla - which made sense, they had lit a scented candle. Ginny wrapped one arm around her shoulders, still panting. Florence pressed a gentle kiss against the soft skin of her neck and draped one arm around her stomach.

"The groceries are still on the floor," Florence hummed.

"No, I charmed them to go to the right place right before I picked you up," Ginny assured her, rubbing her thumb in small circles on Florence's shoulder.

"You're truly magical," Florence said in a whisper, tilting her head so she could look at Ginny. Ginny smiled at her, stroking her cheek with two fingers and brushing the past her lips. Ginny's brown eyes stared into hers and she could see every little detail. They were brown at the first glance but if you looked closely, there were splashes of yellow and green in there too.

"I adore you, Flo," Ginny whispered, pressing her soft pink lips on Florence's forehead for a few seconds. She pulled Florence closer and tangled their legs together. Florence closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying just being with Ginny.

"Flo?" Florence hummed in response and opened her eyes again. She drew lines on Ginny's body, tracing from her jaw down to her hips and back up again, her fingertips moving over every shape on the way. "Did you... Did you talk to my parents at the game a few days ago?"

Florence shot up, pushing herself up on her elbow. She raised her eyebrow and pressed her lips together for a moment. Ginny had an anxious look in her eyes that was shielded by an angry one. Florence knew she was scared but she felt a little hurt too.

"No, Ginny. I didn't talk to your parents at the game. I talked to Hermione because I was seated next to her and I talked to Angelina because she came up to me. I didn't tell them about how I make sweet love to you almost every day, don't fucking worry," she blurted out. Ginny's cheeks flushed red.

"I just don't want you to slip up by accident or something," she continued. "I'm not ready and I know it bothers you but-"

"But what?" Florence said, sitting up and covering up her naked body with the blanket. "Are you seriously accusing me of outing you to your family?"

"Not accusing you, I just don't want you to slip up by accident," Ginny repeated.

"Because it bothers me that you're hiding our relationship and me from them?" Florence asked, squinting her eyes. "The fact that you would even suspect me of outing you is... well, I can't believe it, really. Bloody rude."

"I don't care if it's bloody rude it's something that slipped through my mind and I had to make sure," Ginny said, sitting up too. "I know you want me to tell my family so-"

"So what, Ginny? So I take away your chance to do it yourself!?" Florence wrapped the blanket tightly around her, a frown appearing on her face. Florence knew what it was like to lose control over telling people you're sexuality and she wouldn't want that for anyone, especially not Ginny.

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