Chapter 6: Friends or Not?

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~Lea's POV~
I heard the phone ring. It was a facetime, I could tell by my ringtone. I looked down at the glowing screen. It said "🍪Kennedie👹" I slowly scrolled over the answer button. FaceTime Audio popped up
"Hey meet me at my house at 7pm straight please!" Kennedie tried to nicely demand. Her "stuff" never works on me.
I just hung up.
I got ready and drove over to Kennedie's house.
"Oh you're here." Tara was confused.
What was that about?
"Is that a bad thing or...?" I curiously questioned.
"No." Kennedie straight of yelled.
"Ohh kayy." I sit down on the floor along with Kennedie and Tara.
"So you guys goin' out Saturday night?"
"No why?" I answer while shaking my head.
"I wanted to invite you somewhere."
"Ohh...Where?" Tara has no clue what is happening.
"I'll be parked outside your house Tara, I'll pick Lea up." Kennedie winks.
What is that supposed to mean?
"But I'm grounded." Tara forces.
"Like I said, sneak out!" Kennedie rolls her eyes and gives Tara a death stare.
Tara sighs, trying not to make eye contact with Kennedie.
"Pick you up at 9:30 Lea. Tara, I'll be parked in your driveway at 10:30. Got it?" She says. I don't know why she is acting so rude tonight. This is very suspicious.

- Sorry I haven't been updating! Thanks for 18 reads 😂 Is this boring or not? Tell me on my vine account: Extreme Cheer
(It might be Extreme Cheer (kaci) because vine might be deleting edit accounts but if not then it is Extreme Cheer)

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