Chapter 6

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After Denki left bakugo laid in bed and started reading manga.

" I'm going downstairs for a bit if you need me that's where I'll be." You say while kissing bakugo 

" I Love you," Bakugo said

" I Love you too." You say while walking out of the door

You went downstairs and tried to find someone to hang out with. 

" Hey, jirou  want to play Mario cart?" You ask 

" Hell Yeah, I'm hella good at it," Jirou says while grabbing a joycon 

" Mhm bet." You say while clearly beating jirous ass

" Yo yoooo could I join you guys?" Denki asked

" Of course Denki " You say while handing another controller

You ended up getting four more people to play the game. Mina,kiri,Tsu,and shoji. You guys play the game for a couple more rounds then ya'll got tired of playing it and started talking.

" So y/n how are you and Bakugo??" Mina asked

You blush at the question

" We are good. " You say while twiddling your thumbs

" Soo kiriii who do you like??? " Mina asked

" Uh uhh, do I have to say? " Kiri asks

" Tell us brooo!! " Denki says bugging Kiri

" Uh, 0//0 I like you Denki." 

" Bro I didn't know you swung that way! And I like you too!" Denki says kinda blushing 

" Denki would you like to go out with me?" Kiri asked 

" Yes yes yes," Denki says  

The both of them started cuddling Kiri Denki didn't see that coming but yasssss you were happy for both of your friends. 

" So y/n how did you and bakugo ya know become a thing he's such a hot head?" Jirou asked 

" I don't really know he kinda took me to recovery girls' office when I passed out and then confessed..." You explain 

" Aww, so cuttee!" Mina says with excitement 

" It was really cute he is so adorable," You say with a smile on your face 

" So y/n do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Tsu asks

" Sure! Tsu that would be so much fun how about we go to the mall and maybe go to hot topic! " You say with a smile and happiness 

" I was summoned, " Tokoyami says while coming into the room 

" Hey babe, " Tsu and Shoji say at the same time 

 " WAIT YA'LL ARE POLY?!" Mina asks very intruiged 

" Yes we are *ribbit*," Tsu says while kisses toko on the cheek 

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