Chapter 1

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{ About Y/n }

Y/n will use they/them pronouns because I want everyone to be able to read this fanfiction now that I have that out of the way let me explain Y/n's quirk.   

With the blue rose on their thigh, they had two meanings to get the tattoo one of them you will find out in the story second reason is why because of their quirk. 

Quirk: Azure flower The blue roses that secrete sleeping toxins when they are used. You are also immune to the toxin  

Drawbacks: The user of the quirk requires more water and minerals so they can create the flower and toxin. If they over do it they lose sensation in their arms. 

E/C is the same as you're same with you're hair color skin color etc.

If you have self-harmed or have tried or have thought about suicide and it's a trigger for you I completely understand if you want to turn away now if you want to continue I will stop talking and start at the beginning. 

{ Story starts here } 

It started when I was 15 years old I just got out of secondary school it was summer vacation and I was so excited for high school and the high school I want to get into I needed a lot of training. That is why I'm going to train with my mom and dad at their agency. I want to get into UA if this is what I have to do then I'm up for the fight... 

" Good morning mom good morning dad," I say while walking into the kitchen 

" Morning Y/n how did you sleep last night?" My mom asked 

" I slept well," I say while grabbing a bowl not mentioning my nightmares 

"That's good, you ready to go to the agency today to train?" Dad asked while drinking his coffee and looking at the newspaper 

" Yes, father I can't wait to it's going to be awesome," I say while getting milk for my cereal 

I headed back up to my bedroom flopping on my bed with my cereal in hand. I turned on my tv and started watching the news. I listened to the news and started to get ready for my training at the agency. I put on a sports bra and leggings and slipped on my shoes and went downstairs. 

" I'm ready to go," I say while going into the living room 

" Alright, Y/n let's go to our agency," Mom says while grabbing the keys and they both headed to the car

I walked outside and felt the breeze whip my hair. I got into the car and put my headphones in and vibed in the car until we got to the agency. 

" We are here," Father announced 

" Sweet! Let's go in!" I say while unbuckling my seat belt 

We walked into the agency and I went straight to the training area that I was supposed to be in. I've been coming to train here since I was 8. 

" Hello, Y/n welcome back to the high school course. You ready to get started?" The trainer of the class asked 

" Hell yeah, Ted I'll beat your ass just like I did when I was eight," I say cocky

We started training then an alert on the tv came on.


"Oh no I thought to myself I must help," I say while running to get a mask out of my bag so no one can see my face

I rushed into the fight and started fighting the villains I've lost count of how many I've knocked out. I rushed outside to where I saw my parents.

" MOM DAD I'M COMINGGGG," I scream as I was running down the stairs 

As soon as I got down there I watched as my parents were murdered right in front of me

" NO, YOU BASTARD!" I scream at the villain 

I activated my quirk and put him to sleep then cradled my mom's head in my arms as I was crying over my dead parent's body.  The other pros showed up and tried to get me to let go of my parents so they could talk me to the hospital but they had to pick me up off of them. Then I was in an ambulance to the nearest hospital. 

{ Months after the attack }

My mood hasn't been good the past few months I'm crying all the time I don't sleep if I do I have nightmares about that night and if I'm not crying I'm either drinking with some friends or smoking pot or doing some other stuff. My grandparents haven't been helpful either it's you need to train or you won't get into UA if you don't train. I've been training since I was 8 I have done a lot of training. 

" Y/n get down here now supper is finished." My grandpa yells up the stairs 

" Coming!" I yell back 

I went downstairs to eat dinner then went upstairs to shower and to draw in my room for a while. I went downstairs and started on the dishes before I went out with my friends.  

" Ow shit..." I say while I accidentally cut myself with a knife doing the dishes 

I drained the water out of the sink went to my bathroom and bandaged my arm and got ready to go out with my friends. I snuck out the window like normal and down the roof. I got to the usual hang out spot where my friends were at 

" YO Y/n you're here did you bring it?" Asahi asked

" Yes yes, I did ash,'' I say with a smile and cracked open the vodka 

We drank then we started vandalizing shit it's not good on my record but I haven't been caught neither has ash and the others. After vandalizing things and drinking all of the vodka I went home and made sure no one was awake and then snuck back in through my window. 

A/n  hope yall liked this new fanfic

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