Chapter 3

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Bakugo let go of your wrist and kissed you on the forehead. 

" T-thank you." You stutter out of your month 

" You're welcome," Bakugo says while looking at you 

" Goodnight Dumbass," I say while leaning up against my door frame 

" Goodnight tedd-" Bakugo says 

" Heyyyyy what's going on over here!" Kiri asked

" NOTHING SHITTY HAIR," Bakugo yelled 

" Hey Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out sometime?" Kiri asked 

" Uh Kiri I'm sorry man but I like you as a friend nothing more than that... I'm sorry" I say while answering the question 

" Oh that's okay Y/n just friends," Kiri says trying to stay manly 

Kiri walks away from my room and I look at bakugo.

" Well that went well, " Bakugo says while  moving your hair out of you're face 

" Yeah yeah it did 0//0," You say trying not to blush 

After bakugo and you say goodnight for the second time you lay down and go to sleep. 

{ 4 days later } 

" GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU DUMBASSSS," Bakugo says to you 

" What the hell bakugo why are you being a douche to me...?" I ask 

" I've always been a douche to you," He says 

" No you aren't " You say with tears in your eyes 

You run to you're next class crying 

" Yo does anyone have any gum?" Denki asks 

" I do!" Mina says while handing him a piece

"  Mina could I get a piece? What about you Y/n want a peace?" Kiri asks 

" Mhm sure " I say while nodding my head then an idea came to my mind 

I grab kiri's tie pull him close to you and take the gum out of his mouth. 

" Y/n WHAT THE HELL!" Bakugo yells 

" What is the douche bag mad because I did that are  you embarssed of me?" You ask 

" Wait Y/n what gave you that idea?" Bakugo asked 

" You said it yourself this morning in the hallway get out of my way dumbass and I asked what I did..." You explain 

" Y/n you almost kissed shitty hair to make me jealous and it worked not a bad idea but I want to be with you it's just." Bakugo stops 

"It's just what bakugo?" You pressed 

" Well, I got you a present for one because Icy hot told me it was your birthday and I can't keep secrets for the life of me. Y/n I would never be embarrassed by you." Bakugo says while grabbing your hand 

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