(Sasuke POV:)  

Sasuke saw shikamaru and naruto together and that makes sasuke angry the two boys greeted Sasuke and went in the back "why are they together? Why are they late? Why they look couple? Why that bitch is with my Naru!!!" Sasuke said in his mind and looked at the two boys sasuke saw shikamaru to close to naruto that makes sasuke angry and jealous cause he's to clingy to his naru Sasuke give shikamaru a glare but shikamaru didn't see it but naruto saw sasuke's glare to shikamaru sasuke saw naruto staring at him sasuke smile at naruto and glare again to shikamaru and the elevator open naruto drag shikamaru out of the elevator holding his hands Sasuke widened his eyes when he saw naruto holds shikamarus hands sasuke is like a 'erupting volcano' that want to kill shikamaru "why naruto you suppose to be clingy to me not to that bullshit" sasuke said and walk out off the elevator and went to his office with a angry face

(Naruto and shikamaru POV:)

Naruto and shikamaru is being scolded by their manager "YOU TWO WHAT TIME IS IT HUH!! YOU TWO ARE LATE!!1 HOUR LATE 1HOUR!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK GOING HERE WHAT TIME YOU WANT HAHAHAHAHA THIS ISN'T A SCHOOL YOU TWO JERKS THIS IS A COMPANY!!!" The manager scolded them Naruto saying sorry many times and saying he won't do that ever again Shikamaru being shikamaru "what a drag" shikamaru said in his mind 10×already "okay you two take your sits and work this is the last time I'll forgive you two" the manager said the to walk and sat to their working place sasuke just staring at the blond boy's beauty and imaging something to the blonde boy "naru a wish a can touch and smash you into pieces but just wait Naruto wait until work time is over" sasuke said with a evil smirked. Naruto felt someone's staring at him "fuck its scary someone's staring at me" naruto look at his surface and see his boss staring at him "well now I know" naruto said and look back to his paperwork "what the fuck did he just ignore me!!" Sasuke said screaming in his head "just wait my naruto just wait until our work hours is finish just wait naruto uzumaki" sasuke said with a evil smirked with an evil face and evil movement...........

That's all guys thanks you for all your support!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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