Chapter Four: Origins

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"You might as well let the kid stay a bit longer, Serena," said Britney, gently pushing Carrie away and sitting down on Marinette's bed. "I know for a fact that every single Mandalorian watcher has shipped Caralorian, even if it's only for a second. We've just got to make it stick with her."

"Let her stay, Serena," murmured Carrie, stumbling over to the bed and laying down, falling asleep instantly.

"What do you think, Rach?" said Serena hesitantly.

"If you kick her out, I'll call you you-know-what for a week," said Rachel with a smirk.

Serena's eyes widened. "YOU WOULDN'T-"

"I most certainly would."


"Oh, I'd dare."

"Okay, let's put the death threats to the side for a minute," said Marinette. "Please, Serena. Just a little longer."

"Fine, I guess. You've got to really prove it, though."

"Yes!" Marinette basically shouted. "Sorry. Yay!"

Serena sighed and wiped a tear from her eye. "Look at her, already growing up so fast."

"How many times do I have to remind you? They're not your children," said Rachel patiently.

"Oh, shut up."

The rest of the day passed with Marinette learning more about her new friends. Britney was from Arizona. She'd been working at a Dairy Queen when she suddenly thought back to that one Star Wars show and wondered if the Shock Trooper and Mandalorian would make a good couple. She'd been instantly transferred to the institute.

Rachel had been laying in bed in the middle of the night, thinking of other ships to add to her list of OTP's. She decided on Caralorian, then suddenly recieved a message on a fanfiction website from Serena (They had apparently been internet friends before this).

"Just a minute," Serena had texted. Seconds later, Rachel found herself at the C.S.H.

Carrie had been on the fanfiction website too, and was a big fan of Rachel and Serena's collaborative Star Wars stories. She lived and breathed fanfiction; it was what had messed up her sleep schedule in the first place. She came across a brand-new Caralorian fanfiction, and before she could even finish the first sentence, she was at the institute.

Lastly, Serena, the founder of the C.S.H. She was among the first Caralorian shippers of all time (and often bragged about it). "As soon as they tried to kill each other within five seconds of meeting, I knew they were OTP goals," Serena said proudly. She'd loved Star Wars all her life, and belonged to multiple fandoms. She was a hopeless romantic, having fallen in love with countless characters, and trying her best to choose between loving Din Djarin or shipping him with Cara.

She was never sure how she created the C.S.H., or if she even created it in the first place. She was the first to arrive, then Rachel, followed by Carrie and Britney. By and by, the place filled up with desperate shippers.

Marinette listened, wide-eyed. "Wow. That's quite a story."

"I know, right?" replied Serena.

"That's funny cause I think I have a crush on Din, too," whispered Marinette, blushing.

Serena's face hardened for a split second, then she grinned. "He's amazing, isn't he?"

Marinette nodded and giggled.

"Okay, there, simps," said Britney, rolling her eyes. "I think we should leave Mari alone now. She's had a big day. She's got a big day tomorrow." She helped Carrie stand up and guided her out.

Serena leaned in to whisper, "She's the scariest of us, but she's also the mom friend."

"Interesting," said Marinette.

"Welp, looks like that's it for today. I really hope you get to stay." Serena stood up and followed Rachel out. As an afterthought, she returned and leaned in so her face was only inches from Marinette's. "Din is mine. Got it?" she said icily. Then she grinned and ruffled Marinette's hair before leaving again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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