Chapter Three: Desperation

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I should just go to Serena, Marinette told herself when she got back to her room. It'll make stuff a whole lot easier, so I can get out of this place as soon as possible. She stopped mid-thought. Do I really want to go back?

Her life at home wasn't quite perfect. Her parents fought constantly, her brothers were always out of the house, so the only escape from reality she got was by watching TV shows.

Marinette didn't even like Star Wars, but she'd watched The Mandalorian to drown out her parents' shouting. She liked the series more than she expected, but not even close to how much these strange Caralorian shippers did.

Marinette didn't have very many kind or considerate people in her life. But Serena had helped her a lot, so had Carrie, as sleep-deprived as she was. They seemed excited for her to be here.

She had new friends and a comfortable new home. Joining a shipping cult would definitely be worth it.

But I don't ship Caralorian, she thought. Or do I?

She closed her eyes and leaned back into her mound of pillows, thinking about all the scenes with Cara and Din and trying to think of them as a couple.

I just can't do it! she thought, frustrated.

A light knock on her door made her jump. Serena poked her head in. "Can I come in?"

Marinette nodded, and Serena entered, followed by her gang of Rachel, Carrie, and Britney.

"Okay, bestie, it's kind of obvious that you aren't sure if you belong to the C.S.H.," said Britney at once.

Marinette blinked several times. "W-What would make you say that?" she said faintly.

"No, no, no, it's totally okay. We've had several cases like this before. Of course, they all had to leave..." Serena said, staring at the floor. "It's just that Caralorian shippers are scarce, and we're trying to scavenge for as many as possible. We want you to stay, Marinette. But I'm guessing you just shipped them for a hot minute, then it passed."

"Hey, what scene were you watching when you came here?" asked Britney.

"It seems so long ago, but I think Mando and Cara were on the ship."

"Yeah, genius, they're on the Razor Crest, like, half the time. What scene specifically? What were they saying?"

"He was letting her choose a weapon, and she smiled at him, and-" Marinette's voice was cut off by Serena clapping her hands together in glee.

"A classic shipping starter scene!" she exclaimed. "I mean, I started shipping them the moment they saw each other in the restaurant on Sorgan, not that it's a competition or anything, but episode seven is great too!"

"Is someone gonna wake Carrie?" whispered Rachel, nudging Serena's arm.

"Aw, let her rest. Poor girl's sleep schedule is so messed up that she's now nocturnal. We're trying to help her with it, but she's going through real hardships these days," said Serena, staring fondly at Carrie, who was now leaning against Britney's shoulder.

Marinette smiled sadly. "You guys are all pretty close, aren't you?"

The three girls- the ones who were awake- all exchanged glances and nodded.

"You wouldn't think that only a couple months ago we were strangers," said Serena matter-of-factly. "I came up with the idea of the C.S.H. and Rach here helped it become a reality. Along the way, Carrie and Britney latched onto our little group. All Caralorian shippers are family. I'm real sorry you've got to go away, Mari."

"Yeah but- but what if I don't?" suggested Marinette quickly. Serena frowned. Marinette cleared her throat. "What if I learn to ship Caralorian?"


"Yeah, there are still nine episodes of The Mandalorian left that I haven't watched. Maybe I am a true shipper, but I don't know it yet. I can prove it to you." Marinette didn't want to tell them the truth.

She had no interest in the ship. She was just desperate to have friends who cared for each other and would never let her down. Clearly, the Caralorian shippers had a special bond that Marinette would certainly never find at home.

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