Chapter One: The C.S.H. (+ author's note)

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A blinding light filled Marinette's eyes.

The TV screen, displaying a show she'd been watching, disappeared just like everything else.

When the light dimmed, Marinette found herself standing in a bare room with purple walls. She tried to make sense of what had just happened, but no explanation came to mind.

She turned around and spotted a black door. Before she could move, the door opened and a woman walked in.

Marinette was surprised at what the woman looked like.

Her brown-blonde hair was in a messy ponytail with loose strands sticking out all over her head. She had dark circles under her eyes, and was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Nothing about her screamed "formal" like Maria would have expected.

The woman spoke, and Marinette came to the conclusion that she was way younger; perhaps twelve or thirteen.

"Welcome!" she practically yelled, a huge smile brightening up her face.

"I'd say thank you, but where the heck am I?" demanded Marinette.

The girl laughed. "Oh really? What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was watching The Mandalorian," Marinette said slowly. "Hey- you're wearing a shirt with Cara Dune on it. What's going on?"

"They're always just 'watching The Mandalorian'," muttered the girl. "I need you to be specific. Were you watching episode four, seven, eight, twelve, fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen?"

"Uh, seven, I think," Marinette told her. "What does that have to do with anything?"

The girl's smile grew bigger. "You've just arrived at C.S.H., Caralorian Shipper Headquarters. This is where you'll spend the rest of your days, or, heaven forbid, you stop shipping Caralorian and we have to kick you out."

"Caralorian? Is that the ship between Mando and Cara?"

"The one and only."

"Okay..." said Marinette, even more confused. "Who are you?"

"Call me Serena." The girl stuck out her hand and Maria shook it hesitantly. "Carrie! Rachel! Britney! Come meet the newbie!" she called.

Three more girls came bursting through the door. Each one looked as tired and disheveled but just as happy as Serena. They each shook Maria's hand.

"What's your name?" asked Serena. She seemed to be the leader.

"Mari- Marinette."

"Awesome. Britney, show Marinette to her room."

Britney, a dark-haired girl who looked a bit older than the others, motioned for the new girl to follow her out the door. The others waved goodbye.

Serena sighed when the newbie was out of earshot. "It never gets old."

"You do know these next few days are going to be terrifying for her, don't you?" said Rachel, raising an eyebrow.

"I know. But once she fulfills her destiny as a true shipper, our group will grow. We'll be unstoppable," said Serena with a smile. "Now, let's go torture each other with emotional fanfics."

"Right on."

Marinette followed Britney down a blank hall, past a room where muffled screams were heard.

"What's in there?"

"Nothing of your concern," said Britney mysteriously. They stopped at a locked door, which she opened, and handed Marinette the key. "This'll be your room from now on. See ya later." She began to walk away.

"Wait!" called Marinette.

Britney sighed and turned around. "What is it, newbie?"

"Do I have to stay here f-forever?"

Britney squinted and surveyed the new girl closely. "All the true Caralorians do. They want to. Hmm."

After she left, Marinette made her way into the small bedroom. It seemed comfortable enough; way nicer than the one in her house, which she shared with two sisters. On the walls were several posters, each with fanart of the characters Din Djarin and Cara Dune on them. Each one said something different, Purple Sunsets, We Belong To The Stars, Bounty. Marinette wondered if these were covers for fanfictions.

She walked over and sat on the bed, trying to figure out what had happened.

Because, the truth was, she didn't ship Din and Cara at all.

There had been a mistake.

*dramatic music*

Ok so all the chapters will be pretty short but maybe that's a good thing bc I can post them sooner ANYWAYS i hope you enjoy

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