Chapter 5

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(I'm sorry this took much longer than I thought it would! I ran out of ideas and got pretty busy. However mini announcement I believe I'm going to make a book two when I'm done with this off a animation were Phil turns into a giant crow. Also to anyone here that read my first book, I'm hoping to have the rewrite of chapter one out in the next month. Have a good day/night!)

Phil sighed as he thought about what to do. He had decided to wait and see if Techno came back since he had searched all over the place. However that meant he had nothing to distract himself from all the possible situations Techno could be in. He needed something to do...but what?

"I wonder...can I use a lead on the hoglin?" Phil thought out loud. He decided it was worth a try and it would give him something to do. Phil stood up and made his way to the chests. He started looking for the items needed to craft a lead but...somehow he had only one string and no slimeballs.

'I could have sworn I had a ton of slimeballs and string.' Phil thought as he checked one more time. He soon gave up and decided to go looking for the items needed. Guess it will be a longer distraction than he originally thought. Phil grabbed some food and started walking towards the nether portal watching from the corner of his eye as the hoglin got up and started walking up to him. He turned around as it came up to him.

"Hey mate! I'm just going to get some stuff real quick. Want to come with me?" Phil asked the hoglin even though he knew it would follow him anyway. The hoglin nodded its head and they went on their way. Phil decided to go to the spider farm to get string first then he would think of where to get a slimeball. However, when Phil opened the chest at the spider farm he also found 5 slimeballs!

"Alright! I have everything I need now, let's head back home." Phil said, turning to the hoglin. They returned to the house and Phil quickly walked inside to his crafting table. He placed the string and slimeball in the crafting table and watched as the lead apperered. Once it was made he grabbed the lead and started his way towards the hoglin.

"Well I guess it's time to try this." Phil said as he approached the hoglin with a smirk on his face. The hoglin looked up when he heard him coming and after seeing the lead, smirked as well. Phil jumped towards the hoglin with the newly made lead attempting to put it on. Lets just say the next 10 minutes would have been entertaining to watch...after finally getting the lead on the hoglin Phil smiled in triumph. He looked up at the hoglin only for his smile to turn into a frown of confusion. The hoglin was smirking at him? Phil shrugged it off and went to walk towards the houses...only for the hoglin to start pulling him around. Phil continued to try to pull against the hoglin for the next few minutes before giving up and laying on the ground.

"Alright, alright, you win." Phil said, exhausted. The hoglin walked over him then plopped his head on Phil's chest. Phil laughed and petted the hoglin feeling its surprisingly soft fur. The hoglin smiled, also looking tired before getting up and nudging Phil towards the houses.

"What? Is it time to go inside?" Phil asked before noticing how dark it was getting. "Oh right, nighttime, let's go mate." Phil said getting up. They walked back and Phil went inside to go to bed while the hoglin laid protectively in front of the door. Phil looked out the window saying goodnight to his friend...where ever he was not realising Technoblade was closer than he thought.

'Goodnight Phil...I'll figure out how to tell you I'm safe somehow.' Techno thought before going to sleep.

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