(Yes this is queen Emma <3)

I put on some mascara, lip gloss, and a little bit of concealer. By the time I'm done getting dressed it's about 6:45. I walk over to Ava's room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" She says.

I walk in to her curling her hair.

"Ava, if we want to stop for coffee you better hurry it up."

"Nooo I'm almost done!" She whines.

"Ok. I'll be waiting in the car."

I sit in the car but, I'm not alone long because Ava gets in only ten minutes later. We begin the drive to school and stop at our favorite coffee shop. I post to Instagram again with our coffee.


Liked by TommyInnit, Tubbo, and 628,912 others

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Liked by TommyInnit, Tubbo, and 628,912 others

@j_is_weird: before school coffee run has us acting like crackheads😂😇 @ava_qt_pie #quirky #craycray

@jjxtommy123: omg you guys are my fav duo
@TommyInnit: @y/nxtommy123 what about me?! >:(
@j_is_weird: @TommyInnit don't worry you're still my fav Prince ;)

Time skip to after school:

"Ugh I can't wait for winter break." I groan

"Yeah. You're literally so lucky your birthday is during the break." Ava says. "Speaking of which, I have a big surprise planned for your birthday."

"Really?! You better tell me right now." I say sitting up so fast I get vertigo.

"Well that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, but you know I hate surprises." I whine.

"Oh well. You're just going to have to wait." She says with a wink.

The next week goes by slower than a sloth. The only things I know are that we leave by car on Friday evening with Ava's mom and we will be staying at our destination for a week and a half. That is literally all I know, and the suspense is killing me. Although group call with Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, and Ranboo do make it go by faster.

Finally, finally it's friday. I wake up thirty minutes before my alarm goes off and I'm ready to leave by 6:15. But Ava isn't, so I spend the time editing a new video and double checking all my stuff is packed.

By 7:00, Ava's ready and we drive to school. The rest of the day goes by excruciatingly slow and I find myself counting down the hours in nearly every class.

Luckily for me, all the teachers are just showing Christmas movies. Save for my evil math teacher who is giving us a test in last period. I mentally scream in realization of that math test. I forgot to study, but at this point I could care less. It was a relatively easy lesson, and I'm just fine with a C on that test.

After what seems like years, school is let out for winter break. Ava and I hop in her car and drive home. When we get home, we still have five hours until we leave. I've already double checked my packed stuff, so I work on editing and releasing my newest video.

After that I wanted to do some streaming with Tommy and Tubbo, but they wouldn't answer my calls. I ended up streaming on the SMP with Niki, but she told me her facecam was broken so I couldn't even see her. I asked her if she knew anything about my surprise trip and, spoiler, SHE DOESN'T. At five Ava's mom calls us to dinner so I end stream.

"Hey June! How was your day?" Ava's mom asks

I grab my vegetable lo mein and sit at the table "Very slow, and my evil math teacher gave us a test." I respond.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that bit, but are you at least excited for the trip?" She asks.

"Of course! It's only the only thing I've been thinking of all week!" I say enthusiastically.

Just then Ava comes walking into the kitchen. She too grabs her food and sits down.

"Man, J. I hope you're ready. This surprise is going to make you lose your shit."

"Language!" Ava's mom comments.

"Sorry mother. Just explaining the hugeness of this surprise."

We finish eating our cheap, but delicious takeout and begin packing our suitcases in the car. Once we have everything, Ava tells me that I have to watch Netflix the entire ride, and NEVER look out the window. Before I know it, we're on the road and I'm curled up to Netflix with Ava.

1059 words

Man I wrote that one fast. I'm trying to update a new chapter everyday, but sorry if I don't lol. Anyways hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night!

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