Preparations For The Bash

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It was August's third day living with the stunning Chun Li, and life was going great. Chun Li was pretty much August's parental figure, taking care of her with intense dedication and love. She was even able to doing something not even August's own mother could do: help satisfy her mouth/vore fetish. Whenever August needed to satisfy her fetish, Chun Li allowed her to look inside her mouth.

Whenever she asked Chun Li to let her take a look, August bore witness to a mouth that put all of those images on the web to shame. Chun Li's mouth consisted of perfect, pearly white teeth, a large, muscular tongue, and a gaping throat with a large, slender uvula. To August, it was a beautiful sight to behold.

Every night, when she went to sleep, August dreamt of being eaten by a gigantic Chun Li. With each dream, a different scenario led to her being consumed. From accidentally falling into her maw in an attempt to kiss her while she slept, to being punished for disturbing the mighty female. And every single time she woke up, she felt disappointment slithering in the pit of her stomach from the fact she wasn't in Chun Li's stomach.

One day, August awoke from her kink filled sleep to see Chun Li's beautiful face greet her.

Chun Li: So how were you eaten this time?

August: Well I foolishly tried to take some of your noodles while you were eating and you swallowed me with them, completely unaware of my presence.

Chun Li: Well that sounds exciting!

Chun Li may talk as if she liked the idea, but if she was given the opportunity for real, she would never eat August. Li found it far too cruel to do such a thing to her, even if she wanted it. She guessed that if it did happen, August would beg her to do it and she would give in for her sake. With that knowledge, Chun Li relished in the pleasant feeling of knowing August's fantasy would never become a reality.

August walked into the kitchen and noticed a calendar on the wall. She took a closer look at it and saw the date.

August: Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot!

Chun Li: What is it?!

August: Tomorrow is my birthday.

Chun Li: Is it now, August? You did say you would be turning 11 soon. Don't worry August, I'm sure we can find an exciting way to celebrate your birthday.

August: You can?! Don't tell me what it is, I want to be surprised.

Chun Li: Got it, my lips are sealed.

Chun Li did the zipper on the mouth gesture with her hands, as did August. Both girls giggled.

Chun Li: (I'm sure I can find an exciting way to celebrate August's birthday, maybe I can have it incorporate her fetish somehow).

While Li thought of ways to celebrate her birthday, August went to look at a magazine she had hidden away from the street fighter's prying eyes. In the magazine was an advertisement for a unique kind of medication. This medication (it's name is not important and the author is too lazy to come up with one) would cause anyone that takes it to shrink down to a height no taller than 2 inches, though there were rare cases of people shrinking down to 3 inches in height. August knew she had to get some so she could carry out her birthday celebration. She looked out the window to see a high school girl selling some, which was a glowing opportunity for her. Once she was sure Chun Li wasn't around, August snuck out the window and went over to the girl to buy the shrinking pills. She snuck back in through the window with a couple of pills in hand.

August: Yes! This is going to be the greatest birthday ever!

August hid the pills in her pocket and went out to see Chun Li brainstorming ideas for the birthday celebration.

August: So how are the celebration plans coming along?

Chun Li: I'll just say that I'm still working on it, but I assure you that you are going to have a great birthday.

August: I'm sure that I will.

The two girls then embraced in a loving hug. While Chun Li was still coming up with an idea for her party, August had a plan set well in stone, one that would hit Li like a curveball.

August: (If these pills work, tomorrow is going to be awesome).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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