Author's Note on the Series

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Iron and Blood
Book One of the Royal Ghosts Series

Author's Note on the Series:
This series tells the story of an alternate universe in the land of A Song of Ice and Fire. As such, the events described primarily adhere to the history established in George R. R. Martin's books, rather than the television series adapted from those books. Still, many of the characters either appear only in the show (or, alternatively, only in the books), and for many I used faceclaims from the show. If there are inconsistencies between the universe of this series and the ASOIAF universe as it was originally written that disparage the integrity of the latter, feel free to let me know so I can ensure the accuracy of the world is respected. With that in mind, many events from the books/television show will not occur as they did in the show but may still occur on a different timeline.
-Ophie (author)

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