Chapter 18: I'll miss you

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3 years later...

A/N: Barty and Regulus never properly made up btw but are on speaking terms. So they aren't friends but will occasionally talk to each other. Also, Let's pretend you have to go to college to become an actor💀 Like I said in the last chapter, I just came up with this new ending idea and James was already in college so we are just going to pretend you have to go to college😃

James had just graduated college along with Sirius, Peter, Marlene, Dorcas, Lily, and Pandora. Regulus, Remus, and Mary still had one year left. James had gone to college to become an actor and had decided it would be best to move to New York City so he would be closer to where he would be working.

Marlene and Dorcas had moved to France because that was their dream since they were 17 and they had both found a job there. The rest of the friend group remained in London.

The day before moving day...

"I can't believe you are leaving tomorrow," Regulus stated, standing up and getting out of bed. Today they were going out to breakfast with their friends one last time before James leaves.

"Neither can I." James sighed, giving a quick peck to Regulus's forehead. He didn't want to leave the younger one and all his friends, but deep down he knew he was doing what was best for his career. "I don't want to leave you."

"Babe we have been over this. We both don't want you to leave, but this is the best option for you. We have been dating for 3 years James so I'm pretty sure we can handle long distance." Regulus reminded him. He didn't want him to leave, but he was happy for James. "Let's just go have fun with our friends and try to forget about it for now."

And that's what they did. The word "moving" was only used a couple of times at breakfast, but when they got home they both were put back in reality. "I have to pack now." James frowned. Regulus's smile faded and he nodded slowly.

"I don't know how I'm going to do this all without you." Regulus frowned.

"Everything will be okay love. Wait remember how we met?"

"Yes, I'll never forget. I wanted nothing to do with you and was not amused by your flirting."

"Yeah. I do have to pack now tho." They spent the next couple of hours getting all James's stuff packed. After that, they went to the store to get a few more things for James's flight and then went home and cuddled.

The next day

"Babe you have to get up if you don't want to miss your flight," Regulus stated, shaking his boyfriend gently. James slowly woke up. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"What time is it?"

"7:00. So you have an hour." James nodded and got out of bed. Regulus got changed well James showered. When they were both ready they loaded James's trunks into Remus's car who was driving them there and left. When they walked into the airport Remus stayed in the car. Their goodbye felt like it came too soon. "I don't know what to say." Regulus pulled him into a hug and they cried into each other's arms. Regulus melted into his arms, he was going to miss James's hugs. When they pulled away they both stared into each other's eyes, both at a loss for words.

James quickly connected their lips, knowing they wouldn't have much time and he was right because their kiss was interrupted by an announcement calling James's flight number. They pulled away. Regulus spoke first.

"I love you so much, James. This isn't exactly how I expected things to go after you graduated, but I understand how important your career is going to be to you." He cried, trying to wipe away his tears.

"I love you too Regulus. Even if long-distance doesn't work out and we both find other people which I hope doesn't happen, I will never love anyone more than I love you so never forget that."

Regulus nodded and pulled him into one last hug. He watched James walk away and eventually out of his view. He stood there staring at the spot where James had just disappeared and eventually he walked out of the airport and into Remus's car.

"Come here Reg," Remus stated embracing the black into A big hug. "The pain will eventually get more tolerable. Just think about how exciting this is for James. He has always wanted to be an actor and he finally gets to do that."

"I know, it just sucks. I was expecting that he would wait a year and wouldn't be getting jobs yet. I just thought I would be able to move to New York with him, but with me having one more year of college left that isn't an option." Regulus sighed.

"On the bright side, you still have me and all our friends," Remus stated, trying to brighten the mood.

"True. Can we leave now though because I just want to go home and cry in my bedroom?"

"Yeah of course Reg." With that, they left the airport and went back to James and Regulus's little house.

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