Chapter 7: Team Up!

Start from the beginning

I stand up and follow her out of the cafeteria so we could talk.

Nelson: Now I just wanted to remind you that there is the Luna Nova cup coming up, and with your ability when it comes to broom flying, it would be a waste to have you sit out.

I nod my head in agreement. To be honest, I thought she found out about me flying around practicing after lesson, but it's nice to be surprised sometimes!

Y/N: Yeah I would've been sad if I had to sit and watch all the fun!

Nelson: Indeed! Now Miss Kagari has already entered her and her team into the race. However, because of her...inability to fly on a broom, I was thinking of having you fly in her place. Just so the race isn't affected.

I was shocked to say the least. First of all I wasn't even on Akko's team and second which is important...

Why would I want to boot Akko out of a race she clearly wants to be in?

Y/N: May I just object for a second?

Nelson: Of course.

Y/N: I don't really want to kick Akko out of the race. She can learn to fly. It shouldn't be so bad.

Nelson: Maybe she could, but she can't compete if she can't fly! It's just impossible!

I don't really know her all too well, but in the time that I have known her, she'll most definitely find a way to do it somehow!

Nelson: So if you don't want to kick Miss Kagari out and take her place, then I'm sure I could find two girls for you to race with. Or perhaps I might be able to bend the rules so you can race with your team.

Y/N: Whatever is easier. I don't really mind racing with different people! I'd love to meet more of the people here!

Nelson: And I believe more people would love to meet you as well! Sometimes that's all the girls talk about in class.

I figured I'd be talked about a lot while I was here and I certainly haven't been surprised by the amount of attention I've been getting.

Nelson: Right well I better let you get to your lesson now Y/N. Best not to be late! I'll come and find you later on when I've got the solution.

Y/N: Ok! Gracias Professor!

We go to walk out separate ways but I was called back by the Professor.

Nelson: Don't worry about flying around and practicing after lesson! It's better that you do so you can get better! You don't get into trouble for doing so! You are here to learn after all!

I nod my head as she turns away and walks off.

Y/N: Ok so she does know that I did that, but has no problem with it! I guess it's fair enough though, this is a school and you are meant to practice. Perhaps Wangari was trying to have a joke with me.

I will admit though, she did get me real good!

Amanda: There you are! Come on, we'd best get to lesson before we end up getting late!

Amanda's voice broke me out of my thoughts as I turn to her and see she was accompanied by Constanze and Jasminka.

Y/N: Right yes! Lessons! Sorry I zoned out for a little bit back there!

Amanda: Ah no need to apologise! I can't leave you standing in the middle of the hall can I? It would've been rude of me as your teammate if I were to ignore you!

Y/N: Your kindness has been noted down. I thank you Amanda. I'm grateful to have teammates like the three of you.

Amanda: Feelings mutual. Now come on, we'll be late enough as it is now!

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