"You were made for so much better than this. You are a Stafford!" The younger girl beams.

"I don't think that name means so much anymore, Arabelle."

"Why does it not? We have royal blood and now I have the King and Queen on our side..." Her long embroidered dress softly trails the floor as she paces, expressing her thoughts.

"Please don't come to lecture me about how life should be. I already know. Believe me. I had enough of that when Father was alive." Anna sighs.

"I could ask if-"

"What? If I could come back to court?" The cousin chuckles at the naive girls intentions. "Arabelle, what do you not understand? I have been publicly shamed. This is the best my life can get. My Father is dead because he is a traitor. Our grandfather is dead because he was a traitor. Our blood is tainted. We are a ruined family. You and Uncle Henry are the only hope for this family now."

"I am so sorry that this happened to you." Tears start to form in Arabelle's eyes.

"Don't be. Please just don't make the same mistakes I did." A soft look fell upon Anna's face.

"I just needed someone to talk to. Father is going away and I've just never felt so alone." Arabelle finally takes a seat.

"What about Sir Thomas? The Boleyn girl?" The older Stafford sits beside her.

"Sir Thomas is barely ever at court. Anne is my bestfriend but Thomas Boleyn is unbearable. It is hard for us to get anytime alone together, with servicing the Queen as well."

"Your life doesn't sound too bad." Anna nudges her.

"You've spent time at court. You know how bad it can get with men like Brandon and Compton sniffing around." Arabelle rolls her eyes, then realising the names she had spoken. "Sorry." She looks down in guilt.

"No need to apologise." A reassuring smile forms on Anna's lips.

"I just didn't want to be a reminder of bad memories."

"They weren't bad memories."

"Can I ask you something?" Arabelle looks up at her cousin.

"You may." She replies.

"Did you love Sir Compton?"

"I think a little too much. My situation shows for it." Anna admits.

"How can you love a man like that? You saw what they did to your father. My father. Our family."

"Father brought it on himself. You know that. Uncle Henry was just collateral damage. It happens in court."

"Nothing just happens." Arabelle retaliates.

"Arabelle, please. Don't be naive. If I tell you one thing, it is that nobody and I mean nobody is worth losing your neck for. No matter the love or trust you bare for them."

"I'll keep that in mind.."

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■

Arabelle rode back to court in frustration. She felt so alone and one by one her family was slowly disintegrating. She worried what would happen if her father was to pass in war. She didn't want to be sold like some whore onto the nearest man available for her dowery. She wanted to marry for love, isn't that what all girls wanted? Ploughing through the courtyard, she was greeted by an unwanted face.

"You know they say that young beautiful rich women shouldn't be out riding alone Lady Stafford. There are all kinds of men out there waiting for the vulnerable. I wouldn't want you to suffer." Charles Brandon stood there with Anthony and William in tow, showing his predictable wolffish grin.

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