Brienne peered down to check the well-being of her precious charge as she hoisted him through the heaps of fallen bodies. Unable to hold her anger within any longer, Brienne turned it to will power. "Don't you dare die on me, Jaime Lannister!" She ordered. "Not again!" She commanded through teeth gritted in determination.

As if the Heavens themselves had parted and shined a guiding light upon her path, Brienne looked up and spied a lone horse ahead of them. It's hair singed and blood stained, the beast stood almost waiting for them, watching Brienne's impeded progress. Renewed with hope, she trudged harder toward the majestic animal. In her final steps, with the last of her energy, Brienne nearly collapsed at the horse's feet as she settled Jaime on the ground. Fighting with all of her might, she reached up and grabbed a handful of mane to steady the animal. She whispered comforting words and patted its jaw to reassure the frightened mount that she would do it no harm. Finally, trusting that the horse would not bolt, Brienne took hold of the reigns that hung from the leather harness around its head.

Satisfied that she had secured a strong enough seat upon which to make their escape, Brienne bent to tend to Jaime. It was then that an unseen Essosi soldier sprang from the shadows, his blade lowered toward Brienne's throat. She spun quickly, Oathkeeper at the ready and met the assailant's thrust with forceful block that sent the man crashing backwards. Brienne wasted no time in following. She jumped boldly ahead, desperate to protect Jaime, slashing Oathkeeper wildly in front of her. Brienne gave her foe no time to recover, but set upon him fiercely. His eyes glinted at the flames in her own. Through the dirt and sweat which covered them both she noted that the invader who was so intent on ending her life could have been no older that Podrick. She allowed her mind and heart a moment to ponder the whereabouts of her young friend. Brienne prayed he had escaped The Keep safely with King Bran. She lamented that it seemed so many wars had been fought upon the backs of children

The idea brought her own babe to mind, as her sword flashed in the orange glow of the burning Keep. Brienne's heart hallowed at the thought of Galladon. He seemed now so far from her, and she hoped with of her heart that he was. She knew that Samwell and Gilly Tarly would care for him, fight to the last for him if need be, but how she wished to be with him. Suddenly Brienne was impassioned by the rage that the army which her opponent served was the cause of the forced separation from her child. She felt emboldened by her resolve to help Jaime and see Galladon again.

Brienne charged fearlessly against the enemy's steel. She had fought much worse, a simple Essosi youth would not best her. In the moonless fiery night their swords clashed, the seasoned warrior and novice. One hoped for glory, the other needed survival. For a few harrowing moments Brienne and the Essosi struggled in a hopeless volley. Steel rang out over the shouts and clamor of the overrun Keep. At last, Brienne could abide no more delay. If she and Jaime did not make there escape soon, their hopes of finding safe passage would be gone. With all the skill of a practiced hand, Brienne found her opening. As the man raised his blade to block her strike, she pivoted and changed her angle of attack before the soldier could anticipate her movement. Oathkeeper ripped through the man's torso, spilling most of the content of his chest onto the ground. His face registered only the slightest awareness as he fell.

Brienne had no time to bask in her victory. Jaime Iay dying only paces away. Without pause, Brienne hurried back to him, and lifted him to sit upon the cold blood soaked ground. Jaime's head fell forward, his muscles useless. Brienne braced his neck against her shoulder, and clamped her arm around his waist. In one groaning motion Brienne stood and shoved him upright against the horse's side. She kicked her foot into the stirrups at the horse's side and raised herself into the saddle, dragging Jaime the rest of the way along with her. Gasping in near exhaustion she took hold of the reigns.

For a brief moment Brienne caught site of what was left of King Bran's men. The few who remained standing were fast losing their valiant efforts to turn the tide. Essosi were everywhere, what they were not stealing, they were destroying. She could hear the screams of servant women from within the castle as they were violated. Her stomach turned to think that she knew most of the dead, dying, and lost. Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined fleeing from her duty. Abandoning her troops was far worse than dying with them, but loosing Jaime was a fate she knew all too well. She would give up everything for his life. As he had once done for her.

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