Start from the beginning

"So, we have to go buy your notes and books." she shake her head.

"no. I have bought everything before going to jeju." she said. again phone rang but this time it was Taehyung's.

Taehyung look at his phone screen and roll his eyes. she already saw who it is and she frown when he cut the call.

"you are avoiding them again?" she asked. He doesn't say anything. his silence tell that he doesn't want to talk about it.

"They are your parents,Tae"


"You can't ignore them all the time, they care about you." He sigh, his hand went to her wrist and he pull her into his chest.

"I know but everytime I try to move on and not to be rude and harsh, I always remember the way they treated me in my childhood. I was completely invisible to them." he open up to her. She nod her head against his chest.

"I know what they did was wrong, but don't you think you have punished them enough. They regret what they did. I can see the pain in their eyes when you ignore and neglect them, can't you try to forgive them?"

"I.....I don't know?" he had think about that alot. his heart tell him to go to them and feel their warmth that he couldn't get when he was kid. but his mind tell him to stop and do the same what they did to him.

Parents love is what kids always crave for. Taehyung didn't get that. he was neglected and ignored. they were always busy. they were never there on his birthday nor when he was sick.

"Parents are God's gift and for them their child is blessing. losing them cause so much pain, Taehyung. I never saw mom but I always miss her. Oppa and Unnie get the chance to stay with her and also feel her loving warmth but me. I always crave for that. After dad left I seriously thought that I am lost and I was but there were people around me who show me the way which lead me to the people I love." she hug him tightly.

"Value them when they are still with you, because once you lose them there will be only regret left. Life is too short to stay mad at anyone. talk to them. tell them how you feel. hear them out, trust me everything will be fine then " she lift her head and smile at him. tho there were small tears in her eyes but she still smile. Taehyung doesn't know how she do that. how can she smile and stay happy when she was in pain. Taehyung lean closer and kiss her forehead.

"I will try. I will talk to them." no matter what he can never think of losing them. his relationship with his parents might be complicated sometimes but talking out thing will make everything right.

his phone rang again. looking at the screen this time he doesn't cut the call. he pick up the call making her smile

"Hello mom." he said.

"Hm. we are doing good. how are you and dad?" he asked again. he nod his head at her answer.

"Dinner?" he look at her while she quickly nod.

"Okay then we will be there tonight." he said. she give him her cute cheeky smile., he caress her soft puffy cheek with back of her hands.

"Bye take care." he said and hung up the call.

"We are going for a dinner, yay" she jump out of the bed and rush into the walk-in closet too excited to meet her inlaws.



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