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           Life is like a story, there are many characters around us & we are the Protagonist of our life. We have to face various challenges every moment and one day we will be successful. we should always remember that every person around us has his own separate story.
           Inspector Vandana Tejwani was swinging her daughter.Vandana’s daughter, Radhika, was 6 months old. Radhika was placed in a baby swing, when she fell asleep, Inspector Vandana left for the Sakhapur Police Station. She was a Senior Inspector at the Sakhapur Police Station. In Vandana’s absence, her husband, Rajveer Tejwani use to take care of Radhika. Rajveer was a rich businessman, he was the owner of ‘King Spices’. King Spices was one of the famous companies of Sakhapur. After few hours, Rajveer’s younger sister, Garima Tejwani reached home. She was extremely happy, she showed her mark sheet to Rajveer. Garima had scored A+ grade in Book Keeping but she had failed in other subjects. Rajveer was shocked, he advised Garima to concentrate on other subjects as well. Garima was interested in Book Keeping & Accountancy, that’s why, she use to concentrate only on her favorite subject. She promised Rajveer that she will try her best to concentrate on other subjects as well. Then Rajveer left for his office. In the absence of Rajveer & Vandana, Garima use to take care of Radhika.
      On the other hand, Rishab Surya visited Rajveer Tejwani’s office. Rishab was the Chairperson at 'Sakhapur Food Safety Department ‘. Vandana was also present there. Rajveer was one of the richest
businessman of Sakhapur but at the same time, he was also, one of the cruelest Businessmen of Sakhapur. He had invited Rishab to his office to introduce his new products to him. Rishab checked the samples of the new spices, which were produced by Rajveer's company. he ensured Rajveer that, like always, he will get his adulterated Spices approved by the ‘Sakhapur Food Safety Department’. Rishab was working with Rajveer for the last 17 years. he had always helped Rajveer to get his adulterated Spices approved by the SFSD.
Five Years passed, Rajveer & Vandana took Radhika’s admission in the Sakhapur kindergarten. Radhika had started speaking fluently & soon she became one of the most active students of the
Sakhapur kindergarten. Rajveer’s ‘King Spices’ was gaining more & more popularity every day. Rajveer
had started selling his products all over the country. Initially ‘King Spices’ had a very limited scope but there was tremendous growth in his business in the last five years.
Once Vandana was watching a live Badminton match on television. Radhika was playing with her doll. she got attracted to the Badminton match. she told Vandana that she wants to play this game with her. Vandana was surprised, Radhika liked the way players were playing Badminton. she told Vandana that she wants to play Badminton. Vandana promised her that she will get a Badminton for her soon.
The next Morning, Vandana visited a toy store with Radhika. Radhika purchased plastic badminton from the toy store. Vandana was surprised with her choice of selection. Vandana & Radhika played
badminton in the backyard of their Bungalow. Vandana tried to teach some basics of badminton to her. They decided to play badminton every morning. Radhika had stopped playing with her doll & her badminton became her best friend.
3 years passed, Rajveer & Vandana took Radhika’s admission to ‘Sakhapur High School’. Radhika use to try her best to concentrate on her studies. She use to always participate in sports. Radhika’s PT Teacher, Vaani Deshmukh was impressed by Radhika’s body flexibility. Radhika use to perform all the training exercises with ease. Vaani had never seen a student like Radhika in her entire carrier. Vaani motivated Radhika to participate in an interschool running race. Radhika participated in the running race & she stood first, she received a gold medal from Principal Durgesh Rai, the Principal of ‘Sakhapur High School’. Durgesh was impressed by Radhika. This was for the first time when she had participated in an interschool running race & she had stood first in the race.
Once Vaani Deshmukh was watching a Badminton tournament on television. Suddenly Durgesh Rai calls her, he told her that he is planning to organize a interschool badminton championship in Sakhapur High School. Vaani was surprised as no such competition had ever been held in the 'Sakhapur High School' before. Durgesh told her that he was planning to organize something out of the box, something which is never organized before in the Sakhapur High School. Vaani appreciated Durgesh’s idea.
The next Morning, Vaani made an announcement about the interschool badminton championship.
Radhika participated in the championship. Vaani personally trained all the participants for 4 weeks. On the day of the interschool badminton championship, all the teachers & non-teaching staff members gathered in the playground. The badminton championship began with Principal Durgesh Rai’s speech. Soon the championship began. The participants performed exceptionally well. Finally, after all the hard work, Radhika stood first in the badminton championship. She won a gold medal & she was entitled as the Badminton Champion of Sakhapur High School. Rajveer, Vandana & Garima were proud of Radhika.
Few years passed, Radhika completed her schooling & she took admission to DSS college. She realized that from now onwards, she has to focus on her carrier & she has to be serious about her future. She worked hard on her studies but she didn’t perform well in her first-semester examination. Rajveer & Vandana motivated her & encouraged her to work hard on her studies. Garima encouraged Radhika by saying that during her college days, once she had failed in her semester examination, then she worked
hard on every subject but she failed once again, her teacher advised her to concentrate on every subject, she was also weak in calculation, during her college days, she worked according to the advice of her teacher & slowly she started progressing in every subject. After so many years, currently she is employed at IMK Bank, some of her colleagues call her ‘Miss Calculator ‘. Her colleagues believe that she is as fast as a calculator & her calculation is as accurate as a calculator. Garima told Radhika that she is the best teacher for herself & she don’t even need to score excellent grades in her next examination, what she needs to do is, she has to improve in weaker subjects, she has to avoid making mistakes which she had made in past & she will automatically score better Marks in future. She also told her that, she may or may not score good marks in her examination but every minute, she has to progress a little bit.
On the other hand, ‘King Spices’ introduced a brand new, Red chili power, in the market. Rajveer had used artificial red color for making the Red chili power more attractive. Rajveer’s friend, Rishab Surya helped him as he was the Chairperson at ‘Sakhapur Food Safety Department ‘. Rajveer’s adulterated Red chili power got approved by the ‘Sakhapur Food Safety Department ‘. Rajveer & Rishab had developed a habit of cheating others. Rajveer gained an unexpected amount of profits because of the Red chili powder. Harry Singh, a famous Film Actor was hired by Rajveer as the Brand ambassador of the ‘Red chili powder’ produced by ‘King Spices’. Harry Singh had a huge fan following & the moment, Harry’s
new television advertisement got released
Nationwide, the people who use to admire Harry, started using the adulterated Red chili powder. When Red chili powder gained success, Rajveer appointed Harry as the brand ambassador of all the products of ‘King Spices’. He canceled his agreements with all the previous brand ambassadors of various products of ‘King Spices’. Harry Singh became the common brand ambassador for all the products of ‘King Spices’. ‘King Spices’ was gaining more & more popularly every month. ‘King Spices’ was known as the King of Sakhapur. It had became the most popular Spice brand of the city. Radhika was proud of her father.
        Once Radhika participated in a intercollegiate Drama competition. Where she was going to play the role of a International badminton player. The play was organized by Professor Veer Ahuja. Professor Veer was a Literature Professor at ‘DSS College ‘. He had organized a drama in the college. Veer personally took a special audition of various students for the role of the lead protagonist of his play. When Veer spoke to Radhika, he realized that she is interested badminton. he selected Radhika for the role of the protagonist of his play. After few days, Veer handover a copy of the drama script to Radhika. Veer explained the entire storyline of the play to her & he told her that ‘With every sin comes sorrow ‘ is the most important dialogue of the play & she has to work on her dialogues. her each dialogue should be delivered with emotion. Radhika was excited about the play.
On the day of the Play, Rajveer, Vandana & Garima were excited to watch Radhika on the stage for the first time. the drama started after the speech of Principal Rajesh Gangwani. During the climax, Radhika said the dialogue, which she was practicing for the last 2 months. She faced the audience. Rajveer felt as if Radhika is looking towards him. there were tears in Radhika’s eyes, emotional music started in the background, she was standing under a yellow spotlight, she said: “ With every sin comes sorrow “. The 'stage light manager' turned off the spotlight & the backstage artists closed the stage curtains. Radhika’s friends started cheering for her. Every single person present in the college auditorium was mesmerized during the ending part of the play. Then the anchor requested Principal Rajesh Gangwani to handover the participation certificates to all the participants of the play. one by one all the participants were called on the stage & they received their certificates from Principal Rajesh. When Radhika received her certificate from Principal Rajesh, he appreciated Radhika, he was impressed by her acting skills.
Next Morning, Rajveer woke up early. He was feeling disturbed. Radhika’s spoken dialogue was echoing in his mind. Radhika’s final dialogue was continuously running in Rajveer’s mind & he was not able to concentrate on his work. ‘With every sin comes sorrow ‘ was the dialogue, which was stuck in Rajveer’s mind.
On the other hand, Radhika came to know about the intercollegiate badminton tournament. she participated in the tournament & started preparing for it. Sports Teacher, Koyal Pandit appreciated
Radhika. she gave some special tips to her & she told her that she is sure that she is going to perform exceptionally well in the intercollegiate badminton tournament. Radhika participates in the intercollegiate badminton tournament & she performed exceptionally well & she won the gold medal in the intercollegiate badminton tournament. This was the moment when Radhika was feeling happy & she realized that badminton is an inseparable part of her life.
One Year Passed, Principal Rajesh Gangwani called Radhika in his cabin. He informed her about Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament. He wanted Radhika to participate in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament & he had already convinced Koyal Pandit to train her. Radhika didn’t felt that she is capable to participate in an state level badminton tournament. Principal Rajesh failed to convince Radhika. She was ready to participate in any intercollegiate activity but participating in a state-level tournament was not her cup of tea. Suddenly College Trustee Gulshan Tirupati entered the cabin. Radhika didn’t recognize him but Gulshan was surprised when he met Radhika. Gulshan told Radhika that he is interested in sports since his childhood & he has never seen a Badminton player like her.  Radhika thanked Gulshan for appreciating her. Gulshan asks Rajesh, has he informed Radhika about the under 19 state level badminton tournament. Rajesh told Gulshan that Radhika is not interested in participating in the state level tournament. Gulshan spoke to Radhika, he told her that he always wanted to become a hockey player & he wanted to represent his country internationally, once by God’s grace, he got an opportunity to participate in an International hockey tournament but at the end moment, he got seriously injured in an road accident & he was not able to represent his country in the international hockey tournament. Doctors had advised him to take complete bed rest for at least a year. It took 2 years to him to recover successfully & after that, he didn’t get any chance to represent his country in the International hockey tournament. That’s why he use to always motivate Principal Rajesh Gangwani to organize intercollegiate Sports competitions in DSS college. He advised Radhika that she should not loose any
opportunity & she should participate in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament. Gulshan said “ life provides you very limited opportunities so you should always be ready to grab the opportunity before it’s too late “
Finally Radhika decided to participated in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament. Koyal Pandit started training Radhika for the state level badminton tournament.
Few Months passed, finally Radhika represented DSS College in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament. She performed exceptionally well in the tournament. She stood first in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament & she received a gold medal from Chief Minister Dev Pathak, the Chief Minister of Sakhapur. Rajveer, Vandana & Garima had never thought that Radhika will defeat all other competitors & she will stood first in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament. Radhika thanked her teacher, Koyal Pandit for training her & she also thanked Principal Rajesh Gangwani & Gulshan Tirupati for motivating her. After winning the tournament, Radhika became popular in her college.
Four months passed, Chief Minister Dev Pathak was busy in an important meeting with Karanvir Singh, the Sports Minister of Sakhapur. Karanvir was impressed by Radhika’s performance in the Sakhapur under 19 badminton tournament. Karanvir felt that Radhika can represent Sakhapur in the National badminton tournament. Dev was satisfied with him.
Two Years Passed, Radhika completed her graduation from ‘ DSS College’ & she took admission in Vidya Aanand College for her further studies. She use to try her best to concentrate on her studies & badminton.
Once Chief Minister Dev’s assistant calls Rajveer. He introduced himself & he informed him that he got his contact number from DSS college & he wanted to speak to Radhika. Radhika was about to arrive to college, Rajveer handover his cell phone to Radhika. Radhika spoke to Chief Minister Dev’s assistant & he requested her to meet Sonali Oberoi, a local politician. he instructed her to meet Sonali at her office, she wanted to provide her some important information about National badminton tournament.
At Evening, Radhika & her aunt, Garima, visited Sonali Oberoi's office. Sonali informed them that 2 years ago, Chief Minister Dev had met Radhika at ‘ DSS College’ & he had realised that Radhika is capable to defeat number of badminton champions in any badminton match. Sonali informed them that under the Sakhapur Sports Scheme, Chief Minister Dev is planning to enroll Radhika’s name for the National badminton tournament & her entire tour will be sponsored by the Sakhapur Government. Radhika & Garima were surprised. Chief Minister Dev had provided a golden opportunity to Radhika. Garima told her that she should defiantly participate in the National badminton tournament. Radhika remembered that Once Gulshan Tirupati, the Trustee of ‘DSS College ‘ had told her that life provides us very limited opportunities so we should always be ready to grab the opportunity before it’s too late. Radhika participates in the National badminton tournament. She calls her mentor, Koyal Pandit & she requested her to provide some special guidance for the National badminton tournament. Koyal was surprised to know that Radhika has got an opportunity to participate in the National badminton tournament. Radhika was exited for the tournament.
Few days passed, Radhika & Koyal reached at the Sakhapur badminton court. under Sakhapur Sports Scheme, Radhika had also got the free access to the Sakhapur badminton court. Koyal, along with the Badminton trainers at the Sakhapur badminton court, started training Radhika for the National
badminton tournament.
After all the hard work, Radhika stood first in the National badminton tournament. she received her gold medal from the President. Rajveer, Vandana Garima & Koyal were cheering for her in the crowd. Radhika became a well-known national badminton player after winning the gold medal in the National badminton tournament. this was the golden moment of Radhika's life, she had never imagined that she will defeat various national players with such ease, she felt as if she can control her badminton & her badminton moves according to her instructions. she use to became the most powerful person of the world, whenever she use to hold a Badminton in her hand.
Few Years Passed, Radhika completed her studies from 'Vidya Aanand College '. she had also won several medals by participating in number of National level badminton tournaments. she had purchased a special showcase for her trophies & medals.
One day, Radhika was watching television in her room. suddenly she received a call from Mr. Vinod Patil - the chairperson at National Sports Association. he fixed a meeting with her.
After few days, Radhika & Garima met Mr. Vinod at his office. Mr. Vinod praised Radhika & he told her that she is one of the finest badminton players of the nation & her performance in the National
badminton tournament was beyond excellent. she told her that the national government is providing her a chance to participate in the International Badminton Tournament. Radhika & Garima were
surprised. Radhika remembered that Once Gulshan Tirupati, the Trustee of ‘DSS College ‘ had said that life provides us very limited opportunities so we should always be ready to grab the opportunity before it’s too late. she decided to participate in the International Badminton Tournament & Garima supported her decision.
Finally Radhika & Garima went to a country called Temrica for the International Badminton Tournament, Radhika’s entire tour was sponsored by the National Government. Garima was happy for Radhika & she wanted to be with her all the time during her first international tour.
On the other hand, Rajveer was at his office, he was finalizing a deal of turmeric powder with Gaurav Ahuja, owner of SK super mall. Gaurav didn’t knew that he is about to purchase adulterated turmeric powder from Rajveer. Rajveer had used artificial yellow color for the production of the turmeric powder. Gaurav selected the turmeric powder produced by King Spices, just because all the products of King Spices were approved by the ‘Sakhapur Food Safety Department ‘ & it was the most famous spice brand of Sakhapur. After sometime, Rajveer’s assistant calls him, he told him that food Inspector Rekha Raghwan has officially visited one of his factories & she has collected some samples of different spices & the colors, used by them. She had collected these samples for a test. Rajveer was
shocked. Rajveer immediately calls Rishab Surya. He asked him about the sudden visit of food Inspector Rekha raghwan, because it was for the first time when Food Department had sent someone for the test of a product produced by ‘King Spices’. Rishab told him that from now onwards, he will never approve any adulterated product because he has realized that it’s a great sin to approve adulterated products & deliver such harmful products to market. Rishab disconnected the call by saying this. He was the Chairperson at ‘Sakhapur Food Safety Department ‘ & he use to get all the products of ‘King Spices’ approved by the Department. Rajveer was unaware about the truth that, Rishab’s wife, Shanti Surya died two weeks ago due to food poisoning. According to doctors, she use to consume various adulterated food items on a daily basis which caused food poison, her age was over 65 & she had a very weak immune, which caused death. After Shanti’s death, Rishab had realized that he was committing a great sin by approving adulterated food items that’s why, he indirectly exposed the businessmen, who were in his contact. Food Inspector Rakha Raghwan was actually sent by Rishab. She was given the task to expose all the businessmen, who were in contact of Rishab. All these businessmen use to produce adulterated food products & Rekha & her team were going to expose them according to the instructions given by Rishab Surya.
On the other hand, Radhika performed exceptionally well in the first round of the International badminton tournament. Garima was not able to believe that her sister gave a tough competition to the players from different countries. When Radhika & Garima entered in their hotel room. Garima received a news notification on her cell phone. She came to know that Rishab Surya visited the Sakhapur police station & he confessed that he is in contact with various businessmen, who use to produce adulterated food products. Rishab was regretting for his mistakes & he requested the police officers to arrest him. Garima also came to know that Rishab use to get all the products of ‘King Spices’ approved by the ‘Sakhapur Food Safety Department ‘. Every year Inspector Vandana use to bribe Rishab and get all the products of ‘King Spices’ approved by the Sakhapur Food Safety Department. Garima was shocked when she came to know that her parents use to produce adulterated Spices, which was considered as a crime in Sakhapur. She was stuck in a situation where, she wanted to support her sister & at the same time, she was feeling disturbed after reading the news. Suddenly Radhika entered in the room, she informed Garima that Police Department has arrested their parents, under 'food adulteration' charges. She showed a online news article to Garima. Radhika was feeling disturbed after reading the news. She told Garima that she wants to meet her parents & she would not be able to play badminton in such situations. Garima & Radhika were stuck a situation, when they were not able to decided whether Radhika should continue the international tournament or not. Radhika thought for a moment, she remembered that Gulshan Tirupati, the Trustee of ‘DSS College had once said “ life provides you very limited opportunities so you should always be ready to grab the opportunity before it’s too late “. Radhika told Garima that she wants to continue the tournament & she wants her to stay with her till the final round. Garima understood Radhika’s point of view. Radhika was representing her nation in an international tournament & she didn’t wanted to loose this opportunity. Garima immediately calls some of her relatives. She spoke to them about the situation in Sakhapur. her relatives motivated Radhika & advised her to concentrate on her tournament. Some of Radhika relatives promised her that they will handle the situation at Sakhapur & she need not to be worried about her
parents. Garima was sure that ‘King Spices’ can never produce adulterated products, she thought that all the news about her brother’s company is fake & baseless. Radhika performed exceptionally well in every round & after all the hard work, she reached in the finals.
On the day of Final Match, Radhika was against a strong competitor. even though she was disturbed, she tried her best to focus on her match. During the ongoing match, she never allowed her mind to think about her parents. she focused on her game & after all the hard work, she defeated her opponent & she achieved a gold medal in the International badminton tournament. While receiving the gold medal, Radhika remembered the moment, when during her childhood, she had visited a toy store with her mother & had purchased a plastic badminton from the toy store.
       After two days, Radhika visited the Sakhapur Jail. she met her parents. she was holding her gold medal in her hand. she told Vandana that she had never imagined that she would come to jail to meet her parents. Vandana & Rajveer were regretting for their sins. she showed her gold medal to them. there were tears in Radhika’s eyes. Rajveer remembered the moment, when Radhika had participated in a intercollegiate Drama competition, she was on the stage, standing under a yellow spotlight & she said “ With every sin comes sorrow “. after so many years, Rajveer understood the true meaning of her dialogue. he told Radhika that she should never commit the mistake, which were committed by him. he advised her to concentrate on her badminton & never choose any unethical path to earn wealth.
25 years passed, Vaani Deshmukh was watching the live telecast of the Final match of international badminton tournament on television. she was now a retired PT Teacher. she proudly told her
grandchildren that international badminton Player, Radhika Tejwani was her student & she had trained her during her school days. Radhika had defeated her opponent, she had worn her 15th gold medal,
there was a smile on her face, Garima was present in the crowd, she was cheering for Radhika & Radhika was holding her badminton in her hand. at the same day, Chief Minister Dev provided a chance to 100 young badminton players across the Sakhapur, to participate in the State level Badminton Championship. he said in an interview that he observes 100 Radhikas in these young badminton players & he will invest all his power to help these young players of his state. he was the only Chief Minister, who had provided such golden opportunity to struggling players of Sakhapur. Radhika use to believe that her teachers, the state government & the national government has played an important role in the so far journey of her life.

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