Until Death Do Us Part

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The sadness flowed through her veins, emptiness filled her hollow heart. In the night that seems beautiful and endless, there's a fragile soul right in front of Lauren.

"I miss you." She said, staring at Camila.

The waves of hopelessness and sorrow hit her in a way that she could not comprehend. Lauren can't do anything other than to sit and hold her lover's cold hands, bearing the sight of Camila's small frame.

"Don't cry..." Bony fingers tried to squeeze Lauren's hand, "I hate to see you cry."

Tears streamed faster when Lauren heard the desperation in Camila's voice. 

"I love you."

Lauren shut her eyes, "I love you too."

When she finally felt Camila's last strength slowly fade away, a gasp left her lips. 

There are no words of comfort, affection, or anything that she usually would get when she fails to keep the tears at bay. 

This time, no matter how much she cries, no matter how much she pleads, no matter how much she screams, only the cold silence would greet her and not Camila's warm voice.

It hurts her so much the tears stopped trickling down.

The pain numbed her.

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