She standing right here in the front row

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"Ahhh we're here! I can't believe I'm seeing 5sos again!!!!!" I screeched. My friend just covered his ears and glared at me. Yeah I scored sweet seats to the 5sos concert and I was standing in mosh with my guy friend.

"I can't believe that you dragged me to see some boy band " Malcolm said.

I slapped hit and grabbed him by the collar.

"They're are not a boy band asshole. Now shut the Fuck up before some one hears you and cuts your dick off. This is 5sos territory with 1000s of girls that will attack anyone who talks shit about 5sos. So I would watch it if I where you" I threatened.

"Haha yeah ok lexi"he said

This bitch didn't believe me.

I turned and looked at the girl who was a few rows behind me who was dresses in 5sos merch from head to toe

"Hey you! Girl with the Luke shirt " I called out to her. She looked up at me and smiled. I motioned her to come by be for a second and she did. I introduced myself to her and she did the same and we talked for a bit about the boys and who's are fave . we exchange Instagram names and snapchat and took a few selfies. Then I asked her the question. "Hey Naomi. What would you do if some one who wasn't a 5sos fan and said that they're were just some boy band?" I asked her giving Malcolm the eye.

"I would kick his ass and rip his balls out and shove then down his throat and feed him to hungry sharks " she said in a serious tone. I looked at my friend and smirked at him. Then I told Naomi that he said that they were just some boy band.

She slapped him on the arms very hard. After that she headed back to her seat and we said our goodbyes. Malcolm was pissed at me but I didn't care I was busy making friends with the people around us. Soon the show started and I began to lose my shit.

After the first two songs I was already crying and my makeup was all over the place. Malcolm just laughed at me and I slapped him. Then so stupid bitch who was taller than me by a whole foot stood in front of me blocking my view. I asked her to move nicely but she ignored me.

"Here. Sit on my shoulders." Malcolm yelled.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes I'm sure. You won't hurt me your so little and light weight. Just sit on my shoulders."

I nodded and he crouched down and picked me up and placed me on his shoulders. I was gripping on to him so tight. He kept yelling at me to relax. I did eventually. 5sos began to to play my favorite song End Up Here and I screamed so loud I was pretty sure that I damaged my vocal cords.

The minute Luke started to sing the first verse his eyes landed on me and I swore he froze and almost forgot the words but be quickly recovered and sang. His eyes never left me. It was like he was singing the song just for me.

Then the song came to the end and the boys were talking. Then Luke told the crowd to quiet down.

Then it happened.

"I would love to know the name of the beautiful girl that is sitting on her friends shoulders." Luke said looking directly at me. My eyes widen and I almost fell off of Malcolm but I caught myself. I knew everyone was looking at me cuz the damn spotlight was shinning down at me.

"What's your name beautiful? " Luke asked.

"L-lexi !!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Lexi?" Luke repeated.

I nodded.

He smiled.

"So lexi what do think of the show so far?do we suck?"

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